Rainy April drivel

Apr 18, 2013 23:14

-Rain, rain, go away. I'm trying to get my garden ready. Got the ground prepared, dug up a few Egyptian Walking onions (yum) that were trying to escape by tunneling under the raised bed frame and had encroached on the yard, then it started to rain and brought it all to a halt. Planning on cukes, romaine lettuce and broccoli this year in addition to the walking onions which never go away. We'll see if it actually gets done.
-Darn McD's. Just when I was finally able to get my work done within the time frame expected, they bring back their dang wraps! Now I'm running an average 1/2 hour late. Twice in the last week I was nearly an hour late. Only once was I done (well, sort of) on time, and that was only because the distributor had run out of sliced tomatoes so we didn't have any for me to pan up, and also we had run out of cucumbers. I was literally just finishing cleaning my station (one minute to go...) when my boss came in with a bag of cucumbers from the store next door. So ended up late again as I needed to slice some up. And while at first they weren't bugging me about the extra time, now they are. Grr.
-I really hate stupid. For a myriad of reasons.
-I want to live on a deserted island with no people on it. With a boat so I can go to the mainland when I need human company to remind me what species I am.
-Tired of all the bombings, shootings, rapings, beatings, stabbings, etc.
-Tired of becoming so immersed in negativity.
-Other than the Nickage, tired of watching all my DVD's over and over again. I'm rewatching the North and South mini-series again right now. I'm actually starting to miss TV. Though I am getting a lot of books read, and some fanfic too! Still need to send the feedback though.
-Mom is going to Las Vegas to visit my sister for two weeks! This will be the first year she's gone that I can't take time off of work. After paying bills, each paycheck leaves me with $9 to $12. That's not counting food and gas. So I can't afford to take time off. But nevertheless, I am going to enjoy coming home to NO MESS and NO NOISE every day!
-Since I am the one who has to cart mom to all her medical appointments, Las Vegas sister and brother in-law paid to have new tires put on my car! I had a coupon from the place they decided on for a free alignment which was nice. Glad to have that done.
-Need to get my eyes examined and new glasses but would have to charge it to my credit card. Really don't want to do that, but drivers license is up for renewal by May 5. Hmm, how do they handle the eye exam if you renew online? Or do they assume that your eyesight is the same just like they assume you still look like the picture on your driver's license from 5 years ago?
-Found The Impossible Elephant (which Decadent Dreams had already copied for me) on a 15-Film pack for kids. $5. Had some cute movies, and some really stupid ones too.
-Can't get the 'insert italic' to insert italic in the right place. What's up with that? Have to do it by hand.
-Mopped the kitchen floor last night, and cleaned the stove top tonight, which was filthy in spite of the fact that mom had cleaned it yesterday. That's how messy she is when she cooks. Grease everywhere just from one mean today.
-Taking mom for lab work tomorrow, then she's treating me to an early b/d feast at Ryan's. I pig out on salad to the point I can barely eat anything else. Oh my gosh, I can't wait!
-Cupboard is bare of all buy a few cans of chicken noodle soup, tuna, cream of chicken soup, and peas; instant oatmeal and teabags (celstial seasonings Bengal Spice, my favorite); yellow onions. The freezer contains some hamburger patties,chicken breasts, french fries and some of last years raspberries from our brambles. The fridge has butter and cheese, eggs and Miracle Whip. So I'm far from starving, but boy am I sick of it all. But it's food at least. I do need to get some rice though. And can't wait until I can afford to do an actual grocery shopping so I can get some more veggies and fruit.

Well, Pixie is meowing at me. I guess she thinks it's time for me to go to bed. She's pretty much adopted me since Dunkin' died.
I'm feeling more motivated so hopefully I'll get some writing done and post some fic soon. Yeah, I know, I've said that before. It all depends on my mood, and Lord knows that can change like the weather.
Take care everyone!
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