to update...

Dec 12, 2005 15:38

Well, lets begin. Today is Monday...

The first person I got to talk to today was the last person I enjoy working with.

I brought the truck in for appointment to get it fixed..."Oh, Mr. Forman, we found $600 more damage. Do you want us to just go ahead?"


That put them over the next lowest bidder. So, according to Home Office (I like saying that I have a 'Home Office'. It gives that 'international man around town' feel. At least I like to think so) I need to get more quotes. So I had to get a taxi to take me to the place to pick up the truck, as I had someone there drive me to the office after I dropped it off.

The people next door to my office just mopped their bay with a orange de-greaser, and my eyes are burning citrus-y fresh.

Bills......need I say more?


I went to a big antique fair that friends were working on Saturday. Managed to find Mom what she wanted and just a little more (we are talking about me here)for Christmas, and under budget no less. I need to go to these things more often, and to be on the safe side...always when tight on funds. It was dangerous, especially the people with the old prints. Pages from a 16th century herbal anyone? No, not copies...

Sunday I got my HELM! Yay! The potentially most expensive portion of my fighting kit was 50 bucks. Christmas cash from Dad well spent. It needs some work but for the price I am not complaining, as I will probably get it done for free. The bar grill needs to be brought out about a half inch. I can fight in practice with it, but not in war (as per the Kingdom Knight's Marshal from whom the helm was purchased). I just need to strip it and bring it to the next practice... a week, barring scheduling, I will get back a legal helm...did I mention YAY! It even has good visibility. We were discussing what to do with it when it comes back, and I decided to cold brown it. I may even be able to put copper inserts in to match the rest of my armour. NEATO! (geekness.) Now I just need knees/greaves and to finish my tassets. but it is set up now that if I pad it all (buy a sleeping mat at ___mart) get gloves, and 'personal protection", I should be good to go.

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