Well, I saw it.

May 23, 2005 11:19

Well, It's the end of an era folks. The last of the Star Wars saga has come. I must say it dotted all the i-s and crossed the t-s plotline wise. I have to agree with some of the acting critics, but all and all I think it was a good way to sign off. I promptly went out and bought a gold/looks copper in the right light maglite in order to try to construct a lightsaber body out of it. I wish it were a three or four D-cell, but the colour only comes in two cell. I will have to use it for a prototype. Maybe I'll go back to the japanese idea of personal carry versus battle sword. Use a bigger model for the battle sword.

Why? Well, every jedi constructs his own lightsaber, and as there is a LARP Changeling cronicle somewhere around here, I thought I would put some of my old ideas to work...

I'll try to let everyone know how it comes out.
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