Online Primal Scream Therapy

May 19, 2005 20:16

'puff puff'

Believe it or not, I feel better now. The big boss, el queso grande, my stepfather is in town and I feel like I have been put through the ringer. He hasn't done anything like that, however the performance anxiety has be beat to a frazzled pulp. With him and two of our big player vendors here, I just want to find a nice comfy something to hide behind and watch the big dogs at work (I realize I am mixing metaphors here but I think its understandable). To top it off, we had a customer problem to deal with this morning that was more than just a bit tense. Oh, well. As they said here in Jonesboro..."tomorrow is another day"

I am finally beginning to find furniture for the place. Nothing major, but small pieces. Need to be careful though and not fill up the place to the point that I can't get a sofa in. Me have too much stuff? Never! Perish the thought. Now where to put the thirty bins of books?

Yea, first major project is to figure out where all the books are going when they get here. I did want to move away from the dorm/frat-house plank on cinder block look, but it works and its cheap. We'll see. Maybe I can find something with a little more grow'd up style. Because I am not loosing my library, by gum! And stacks of books on the floor, while practical, only provides me with more to stumble over in my less than graceful morning, just awake, obstacle run. The just the shag carpet alone is bad enough at 5:30 in the morning.

Well, gotta get out early tomorrow. The boss and I are going out on calls.
Wish me patience, understanding, good breath, and many sales.

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