Pope Rant

May 16, 2005 09:22

It is now OFFICIAL!

If the Pope can fall to peer pressure- SO CAN YOU!

"Hans and Fritz said I could not play wit zem anymore if I didn't join za Hitler Youth. (Believe it, he said everyone was doing it. Granted you got in a WHOLE lot of more than just hassle if you didn't...but who needs the head of Roman Catholic Church to have a moral and ethical code?)ZEN Inga said I couldn't see her om-pa-pas anymore. But as a up and coming member of zee Master Race, I could MAKE zhem do what I wanted! Now everyone turn to page 136 in zhier hymnals for a rouse-ing rendition of Give Me Zat Old Time Religion.

All Togetzer Now...Deutchland, Deutchland, uber alles, uber...oops! Sorry!

By ze way, did Christ ever renounce the faith of his mother, as der Fur...Hitler did his?

Yust wondering..."

RE: This came up out of nowhere. I was removing the topper to the pick up truck and it just started. Maybe I'll burn for it, but maybe I'll just drop for a plenurary indulgence and get out of it. I have the rosary for it after all, might get some use out of being Catholic after all. For real folks. Was it one or two popes ago? They were blessed by the big guy of the time and if you do, I think it was a hundred, you gain an indulgence. If you look around enough I think you can still find one. Now what box did I pack it in?
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