❦ 18th Record

Nov 23, 2010 20:51

Pollux is gone.

Valeth-san, Target-san, Locket-san: I won't be coming into work for [pause] a few days.

Inara-san, would you please feed Adashino for me?

[[ooc: There will be no responses to any comments; if anyone goes to his room, they will find his journal but no blankets, clothing, money, or food.

He'll be hanging out somewhere on Frost Mountain until I choose to bring him back.]]

emotional whiplash hooo, doesn't like sitting still, f*** issues this is a subscription, ❧Lea [Axel], brother issues, the cat's name is adashino, ❧Mindelan (Peachblossom) [Keladry], ❧Sniper [Usopp], ❧Cara [Krile Maia Baldesion], ❧Smoke [Sha Gojyo], ❧Target [Riza Hawkeye]

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