❦ 14th Record

Sep 16, 2010 23:30

I'm ba
If I worri
Is my that cat
Did anyone

[A short pause.]

That could have gone better. [Pause, pause... he draws something that looks like a jellyfish.] Anyone know what happened to my box?

[ooc: Scribbled out words are partially readable if you stare/squint at them. Cloud spent today just sort of... wandering around ES aimlessly, so it's possible he ran into various people throughout the day. If you want to say he ran into your character, that's cool. Just make a note of it in the tag or something /handwaves]

❧Kagerou [Inoue Orihime], emotional whiplash hooo, event: soap bubble swearing, f*** issues this is a subscription, ❧Lin [Soi Fong], ☄Pollux [Akihiko Sanada], ❧Cara [Krile Maia Baldesion], understatement of the century, ❧Smoke [Sha Gojyo], o hai guise i'm back, ❧Kurayami [Reki], ❧Hawk [Kouei], ☄Snow (Snake) [Ichimaru Gin], ❧Lea [Axel], ☄Dash [Tommy Shepherd], ❧Castor [Aragaki Shinjiro], ❧Mindelan (Peachblossom) [Keladry], ❧Sniper [Usopp], ❧Spike [Sky Tate], the box is more important, ❧Locket [Layer]

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