OOC ❦ Dream (1)

Mar 09, 2010 13:38

Green. His first impression is of green, lush and vibrant. Green, the color of life. It's all around him, surrounding him without trapping him. The rustling of leaves in the wind and birdsong fills his ears.

There is something on his back, solid and heavy. It makes a clinking, creaking noise as its weight shifts on his back, pulling at the straps running over his shoulders, and he begins to walk through the green. There are more sounds, small ones of animals pattering away and birds bursting into flight. A blurry brown shape appears in front of him, then blurs into focus as he blinks at it-a tree. He is in a forest. Why he's there he doesn't know… he keeps walking forward.

He can see things floating through the air like dust motes, sticking to the shadows of the trees. The way they move they almost look like they're dancing-aimless, yet purposeful somehow. He reaches out toward one, hesitates a moment, withdraws his hand. Standing there, he watches them for a moment.

A voice (was it a voice? It’s so soft and quiet he might just be imagining it. Maybe it's just in his head) murmurs, "You can see the *****, huh? There's nothing to be afraid of. Fright and rage are things that blind one's eyes."

He starts walking again, looking at the floating things. What are they? He should know. "Everything simply lives as it lives, that's all." That voice again. For all that it was giving him good advice it wasn't exactly saying anything that could be considered helpful. "If it's something one can let live, the wisest of us will let it live."

Looking up, he can see clouds drifting across the sky far above the tops of the trees. He reaches up a hand toward them. They flow across the sky, free to move as they please, going where the wind takes them… something about that idea appeals to him. An aimless, wandering life. The life of a cloud…

The voice murmurs in his ear, or maybe in his mind, again. It is fainter now, fading in and out as it speaks. "…you could… … … … wandering life… … … … a good omen for you… … … … … a good…"

The voice fades into silence, and suddenly the light coming from above the treetops is overwhelmingly bright. He shields his face with one hand, but he is forced to close his eye before long. When he opens it again, it’s dark. He stands perfectly still among the trees; he can still see, somehow, but he's waiting for something. He is listening for something (he isn't sure what) but all he can hear are noises he would consider normal-the rustle of leaves in the undergrowth, the sound of little animals moving around in the darkness.

There is nothing for a long time. Suddenly in the distance, a light blossoms. It is almost silver in color and startlingly bright in the darkness. That's it, that's the thing he's been waiting for. He starts to walk toward it.


[[ooc: A few notes about his dream… he saw everything in it with only his right eye, but I figure he would think nothing of that even without memories since he's had only that eye for his entire life as far as his canon self can remember. Also, all the words he heard in it were spoken by Nui, taken word-for-word from the English-translated manga. While he doesn't remember her or what she said specifically, I believe he has always carried the words she said to him as a child in his heart. He would be able to remember some sense of them, and that is why I fudged up whether he was hearing the words from his mind or from an outside source.]

-ooc, -dream

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