❦ 24th Record

Mar 13, 2011 03:49

[There's a small blot of ink where he rested his pen before writing anything.]

What day is it? And while I'm asking questions, any idea why my hair might be [pause] have suddenly changed color?

[Longer pause.]

This is... maybe a strange question. But does anyone know, for sure, that they're [slight pause] still alive?

f*** issues this is a subscription, ❧Youth [Maito Gai], ❧npc: Locke, ❧Bellflower [Retsu Unohana], ❧Cara [Krile Maia Baldesion], everyone i know is dead, o hai guise i'm back, ❧Flame [Presea], ❧Hawk [Kouei], ❧Lea [Axel], brother issues, ❧Castor [Aragaki Shinjiro], ❧Lezard Valeth, ❧Sniper [Usopp], ❧Eagle [Hawk], inquiring minds want to know, event: funny fruit

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