News reading

Apr 11, 2007 11:54

First non-related news, the leaked remix of the new Kelly Clarkson single (Never Again) is actually v. v. good...very dancable. I figure that it's right up petronia's alley [well...may be not quite as dark as usual, but it's still a good for the floor].

New annual apprisial requirements for women in India??! The new form requires listing of last menstrual period and last date of confinement (last time pregnant). No reason this information is needed at all!!

China seeks to limit gaming hours in youth by putting score penalties after 3 hours/day...with no points being awarded after 5 hours/day.

Hunt for the next popstar family...with 3/5 Jackson 5

Beijing Olympic officials: No Bad English Including such gems as A store selling tobacco products advertises: "An Excellent Winding Smoke."

Video gaming...and the profession behind pro gamers

$100 000 piano destroyed in moving accident

And last but not least...two threads about Canadian trained MDs going down to the US for work.
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