(no subject)

Mar 04, 2010 18:44

You know, I'm quite glad Paterson isn't running for reëlection, although I'm ambivalent about his stepping down.

This ethics investigation about the World Series tickets, though, is asinine. It's self-evidently a case of, "He's on the ropes; quick, throw something else at him!"

Under most circumstances, I would accept the theory that a politician accepting extremely valuable tickets to a World Series game was probably more graft than social obligation. But that is chiefly because most politicians are not blind.

When a blind guy says, "I went to that baseball game because I felt like I had to be there as governor," I am inclined to believe him, because the alternative is, "He really wanted to watch the game."

The whole abuse-of-the-state-police thing is more than enough rope to hang the man with politically, and the news reports on the affair are getting grimmer by the day. Why pursue a side investigation that's so likely to backfire?
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