Dec 26, 2006 03:36
today was pretty cool. i went to my grandmas and ate breakfast there. got my presents, i got a really cute necklace and a purse, and a game. i got a bath set thing from my aunt and uncle, its really cool. then i got a bunch of sweet stuff from marissa [she came over today] a shirt, a purse that i've adored for ever! and a bunch of other things, sara got my a coffee cup that says "everything tastes better with cat hair in it" lmao i love it!!! she got me a cd case, a cd, some movies, nail polish, a nail file& buffer thing. i'm very happy! i got a makeup brush set from my mom and $100 gift certificate. i gotta check the mail tomorrow and get my gift from my brother still. i got some scarves and stuff for my car too!
hopefully jen can come over tomorrow, i know i should clean my room because there's clothes everywhere and its driving me nuts!!! ah well... thats what i'll be doing tonight. i only work 2 days this week which totals 8 hours of work for both days... so besides the shittiest paycheck ever its awesome because i get to spend more time with my friends over break! i gave my dad $50 for bills so i only have like $20 left, well actually $10... shit... i dont get paid til friday either.. well this sucks.... at least it'll be a good paycheck this week because i worked AN ASSLOAD last week! gargles!