May 30, 2004 20:37
haha this is the funniest shit ever!! this dude outside my apt room, is blarring KID ROCK!! how lame. kid rock is so played out and a big faggot. (sorry if any of yous loike him) i just think he blows donkey nuts. anyways lifes been okay. daves been really owkward lately. dont kinow whats up his ass. me and him mom have become pretty close. which is really weird, because i barely spoken a word to her the whole time me and dave have been together. this job has really helped with my social anxiety. ive been able to talk to people, i never thought i would talk to, and starting conversations! its nuts! me and daves mom talked the other nite, and i told her straight out, that i honestly believe dave is only staying in FL and not going back home to PA is because of my son and she said she believes the same thing. that really hurt me, because i thought i might of just been feeling that way, but so has she. latley it just seems like hes really depressed and is always snapping on me. i love him to death but it feels like we're drifting apart. when im at work he barely comes and sees me, when hes not working. i just wished he'd be honest with me and tell me how he really feels. fuck men are so damn confusing. i thought chicks were bad. fuck that! their just about the same, if not worse. me and dave got our whole rent thing worked out. i pay the rent and he gives me 100.00 every saturday when he gets paid. hes just paying me his part of the rent. actually more. my stinker little man is doing awesome! hes almost 3 fucking months already!! the other day he was sitting on my lap, and i was talking to daves mom and all of a sudden he lifts his head up and sat up all by his self!! he of course fell back down but it was sooo cool! dave called me at work today and was telling me that he was sitting up in his swing! i was so psyched. but then again i was sad, cuz he's growing up so fast! =[ hes now learning to sit up, then next thing i know my little boy will be getting married! oh my god! shit i will kill the bitch that breaks his heart damnit! thats my baby boy and will always be no matter what. grrr im getting all emotional and sappy, so im gonna just stop right here! i gotta clean this shit whole of a room again. dave was home all day with his brother and sisters so its prone to be trashed, and im stuck with the dirty work. o well life sucks. im gonna get this shit over with! later xoxo