No outdoor sex for me this morning, as I volunteered to do the morning shift on the enquiry desk at work. so far I have been here 33 minutes and although numerous students have walked past, not one has needed to enquire of my knowledge. Just as well I've got some work to be going on with.
Contrary to earlier weather forecasts, it isn't raining despite it being a Bank Holiday Monday. The sun is shining but the ground is sopping as it rained overnight instead. Not that I am complaining. We spent the day in the garden yesterday (I was up and out by 8am as I had woken ridiculously early and just got up - what was I thinking?) and the garden could do with a good soaking. I removed all the horrible broken paving slabs which had been used to "edge" the side border, dug out a new border edge (it is now straight), sieved the soil (our soil is very, very stony) and then, finally, planted and seeded the border. Nick meanwhile, lopped branches off the rowan tree so the washing line can now be pulled to maximum height, mowed the lawns front and back, scarified the back lawn, and made me lots of cups of tea. By the end of yesterday afternoon, I was feeling rather accomplished.
Must really update (not to mention move to the
Gark Villa site as the interior of the house is pretty unrecognisible from what it was when we bought it, and the garden is beginning to go that way as well.
Must get back to work...