Apr 22, 2004 22:51
first off-i am horrible at updating this thing.
...and now for something completely different...
This week has been really weird, filled with lots of crazy scheduals, anoying people, really horrible/anoying people, and homework.
i'm still suprised this close to the end of the year at how i sometimes manage simultaneous events in close succession with out crashing or failing a class.
the weather has been cold and sunny, warm and rainy off and on all week. i think the weather man is drunk.
that and open war seems to be in effect on someone quite near to me. i don't care for this. i want to help, but the best i can do would be to stoop lower than their antagonists in an attempt to even things up, which no matter how satisfying that might be would still make me appear lower and baser than them.
well that's it. a bit of a rant and rather unusual but hey, lack of sleep will do that to the best of us.