Aug 14, 2012 14:30

I had a seriously cool dream last night. Unfortunately, I cannot recall many of the exact details, just an overview, though there are a few memorable scenes in my head.

One of my favorite games of all time is Batman: Arkham Asylum. I have only dabbled a tiny bit in Arkham City, and hope to play it more some day, but the first one was just amazing.

Anyhoo, last night, I dreamed I was Bruce Wayne, and there was a serious problem. The Penguin had been planning for a loooong time, had somehow figured out that I was Batman, and had infiltrated my whole infrastructure. Meaning, that he had discovered the Batcave, and had also either created or discovered some kind of zombie virus. People infected with it either acted as normal shamblers or if they were already superhuman, the Penguin was able to mind control them. Anyone who was affected by the virus were easily identifiable because their eyes were completely white.

I don't remember how it all started, but as Bruce, I realized that I was completely locked out of all my Batman gadgets, suits, vehicles, and everything because the Penguin had sent zombie agents into the Batcave. What's more, this represented a serious threat to so many people that the Joker joined my side to fight with me. In my dream, he became a character you could fight with against the zombies and other villains facing us down.

Because I had no Batman suit to wear, then one scratch from a zombie meant I would be infected, and that would be the end. There was definitely a horror element to it - nothing like child zombies, where you don't want to kill 'em because there might be a cure, but if they break skin, you are dead meat. I think when I played as the Joker a bit (and he had long claws on the end of his fingers - not sure why or how), I had to kill a few kids, but as Bruce, I never did.

One zombie was a superhuman - he was like Luke Cage/Power Man (almost impervious skin and super strength) from Marvel, though he was white and didn't have a superhero suit. He seemed to be a Boss fight several times, and as Bruce, I tried to kill him outright several times. One time, I tried an iron spike right to his chest, and it simply bent. I dodged out of the way before he could hit me, but I knew I needed to come up with a way to take him down.

Somehow I knew I needed a way to launch a projectile at him at high velocity. I ran into a room and found a fellow superhero tied up, but not zombified yet. I released him and I saw a flashing message saying, "Green Arrow UNLOCKED!" (LOL! Love the video game dreams...)

Problem was, he had some of his arrows, but no bow. It had gotten lost or hidden somewhere, and so the next part of the game/dream was finding it. I think the dream ended before we got that far, but I somehow knew that Green Arrow could take out that guy once he had his bow.

I never really saw the Penguin, though I also somehow knew he was behind it all.

All in all, what I recall of this dream was all the fighting and flipping around just like in the game, with the added fear element of avoiding even a scratch from any of the zombies - not so hard from the shamblers, but from the superhumans? Hoo boy, that was tough - I basically had to avoid them until I way to take them out in one hit. I think there were more than just the one I explicitly recall, but like all dreams, many of the specifics faded as the morning wore on.

I even woke up briefly in the middle of the dream, thinking, This is so awesome! I am totally going to blog it.

You're welcome.

geekyness, dreams!

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