The Cultist Wars, Part 4 - Corsuvian

Jun 20, 2012 14:10

War had erupted on the continent. The only reason Corsuvian hadn't fallen within the first week of fighting with the cultists was due to their strong navy and the close presence of their ally, the Phoenix Kingdom. When the Cultists boiled out of Vek Viro to the north and Mauwa to the south, it was all they could do to hold off the hordes until both Hoovastadt and the Phoenix Kingdom sent help. Now, with the combined armies of all three nations on Corsuvian ground, the war had taken a different turn.

Until one day.

It had began as a normal day - King Hallaan was sitting in chambers with the representatives of both Hoovastadt and the Phoenix Kingdom, discussing how to use their combined military might to push forward into Vek Viro and crush the center of the Cultist incursion. It was a shock to almost all of them to hear the sound of battle suddenly ringing from the city. As everyone ran to the windows, they saw the unthinkable - many of the battleships in the harbor had turned and were firing on the other ships, all the while troops began pouring from the suddenly hostile ships into the docks, attacking the surprised dockworkers and guards stationed there.

Somehow, the cultists had infiltrated their navy and transported troops to the heart of Corsuvian in one nearly fatal blow. As King Hallaan turned to call for his own guard, he saw the Phoenix Kingdom military representative had cut the throat of his Hoovastadian counterpart and was rushing the King, bloodied dagger in hand, calling on the Unnamed, one of the Three Betrayers, for help. After a short struggle that ended with the traitorous cultist falling out the high window to his own death, the King summoned his own forces.

Stunned by these events, the King began sorting through the reports pouring into his room while the dead body was removed. Previously, the Mauwan forces had been streaming solely through the small land bridge between their countries, but now, the formidable Corsuvian Navy had been compromised. There were also many reports of sabotage throughout the besieged capital city, not to mention that many of the allied troops had begun fighting each other instead of the enemy. Indeed, some of them had been the enemy all along.

Isolated from their allies, and the state of the existing allied troops in question, the new war had come crashing to the front doorstep. Corsuvian was on the verge of being overrun entirely. They needed a miracle.


This is the day our strategy board game begins. Stay tuned for the last player perspective in the game!

geekyness, king's left hand

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