Big Announcement (and Moving)

May 15, 2012 15:10

This is the week that we are moving out of our apt. One of our good friends is putting us up for the month it will take to get us into our new place, so I'm quite grateful. Sadly, we have to put almost all of our stuff into storage, but hey, it's only a month. :)

The hard part is that Jenny is in the middle of morning sickness, plus I'm working literally almost every day and night this week and the next two weeks, not to mention that I was out of town almost all of last week, so she's had to do most of the packing herself. Luckily, some of our friends in the church are putting in some serious time and effort to help us get packed up since she's largely incapable and I'm just not there at all.

Wait, what's that, you say? Repeat what again? Morning sickness?

Oh yeah, we're PREGNANT! :D

After two years of trying and one miscarriage a couple of months ago, we have an official due date of Dec 29 and a very strong heartbeat. We think it's going to be a girl, though we thought that last time. Names are an issue - I like the name Yvaine (from Stardust), and she doesn't. We may compromise and use it as a middle name, but I think she's still iffy. I just love the thought of having a little girl I can call Evie, especially when I attach her last initial - Evie V (say it out loud). Jenny does not love that thought very much, and I have a strong suspicion about who will win that argument.

It's been odd for us - most everyone our age either has much older children or no children, so we tend to hang out with the younger parents. Here we are just starting our new family close to age 40, while others are nearly done.

Anyhoo, the house will be ready for us mid-June, so we are looking forward to having our family in our new place where we can STAY for a while...

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