Nov 12, 2004 03:16
So this looks like I'll become squad sniper when I'm not going to be needed as Support. The two new compacts should keep us all alive in doors when it gets hot and tight. You know that's how we prefer it though. We got the CQB expert in our very group. We now have a greater ability to break it down into balanced fire teams, and provide cover via support as well. Its appearing as though it will even out to us maintaining at least two Riflemen for every CQB and a couple that can go either way. Better protection and more fire power to lay down the heat. Getting in the thick of it has always seemed awkwardly fun to me, but its not neccessarily my style, nor my recomended position, considering I am a much larger target then most people, so I'll be sitting further back, laying and spraying, OR sneaking and peeking. Either way you look at it, they are both a neccessity for stronger advancements on the enemies position.
No Aiming Just Maiming.
Sunday- Monterey, Fort Ord ARMY Facility
About 160 People Plus
We should go and show them what we're made of.