Title: Site for Sore Eyes - Chapter 19
Author: iantosdreamer46
Genre: AU
Pairings/Characters: Ianto/Jack, Tosh/Owen, Gwen/Rhys, Chris/Damien
Summary:Jack is the owner of a construction company and has been asked by his two friends to build their new house in Cardiff. Ianto goes to work for Jack after leaving London and his ex girlfriend.
Rating: NC-17
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Comments 17
Ianto is very insecure yet as to what he thinks is happening between him and Jack. Hopefully, he'll gain a bit more confidence as they spend more time together. It's a big step and very brave of him to agree to staying the weekend at Jack's already, much less deciding he wants to tell his mom and Rhi about the two of them. I really hope they react well to his news.
Do I hear a clock ticking? Oh, no. It's just the timer on the bomb that's about to blow Ms. Oblivious out of the water before long, and I can't wait. What Rhys sees in the woman I've no idea. He's smart enough to know that all of the stupid questions she asks are totally inappropriate, but he's still with her. I don't get it.
The boys slipping up with little terms of endearment for each other is so sweet, as is Owen's reaction when he saw them together. He really is a good friend.
I hope Rhi and Ianto's mam react well to the news. They're in for quite a shock!
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