Title: Coming Home - Chapter 3
Author: iantosdreamer46
Genre: AU
Pairings/Characters: Ianto/Jack, Tosh/Owen, Gwen/Rhys, Rhiannon
Summary: Ianto has returned to Cardiff to pursue his chosen career as a Theatre Director. He then encounters the Torchwood team who are looking for an alien with a revenge. It's at this point he meets Jack.
Rating: NC-17 Overall
Wordcount: 27,000
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters, they belong to the BBC and RTD, I just like to experiment with them from time to time.
zazajb A/N Thanks to the-silver-sun for an awesome design I love it. Also many thanks to zazajb for betaing my fic.
Fic Master list
http://iantosdreamer46.livejournal.com/3003.html Artist Link
http://pics.livejournal.com/the_silver_sun/pic/00082x3g/ Ianto was aware someone had entered the auditorium but couldn’t quite see who it was or how many. If it was someone wanting a job then they’d be out of luck.
The actors playing Romeo and Juliet were just beginning the balcony scene and Jack smiled. The swordsmanship of the actors in the fight scene were brilliant, but the balcony scene always brought a smile to his face. How he’d love to play out that scene with a special someone who loved him. He shook his head come on Jack, stop being melancholy, you’ll find that special someone one day. Someone who’ll like you for who you are, not what you do.
He was brought back to the present by someone talking to him.
“I said who are you and what do you want?”
“What….oh sorry.”
“Look this is a rehearsal and the public are not allowed into the theatre during rehearsals. Now if there’s nothing I can do for you, please leave otherwise I’ll have to call security.”
Jack looked up into the bluest eyes he’d ever seen. The accent was local and….sexy. Stop it Jack, it’s the nature of the play that’s doing this to you.
“I said you’ll have to leave….Now!”
“Oh….erm….I’m sorry, my names Captain Jack Harkness and ….”
“Well Captain Harkness, I don’t care who you are, there are no jobs going, and as you can see I’m in the middle of a rehearsal.”
“No, I don’t want a job, I’m just looking….”
“Looking at seeing the play without paying?”
“Hey just hang on a minute Mr….”
“Mr Jones, I explained to the security that I believed a suspect we’d been chasing came through here and he let us in.”
“Us? Well I only see one of you, where are the others?”
“Oh I sent them back to Headquarters as we’d lost him. I thought I’d wait until this scene ended then I would talk to you all, see if you’d noticed anyone come through.”
“No, is the answer to that and as you can see I’m rather busy. Now if you wouldn’t mind leaving I’ve still got a rehearsal to get on with. Oh and Mr Harkness, if you want to see the production, then you need to purchase tickets like everyone else. We open in three days.”
“It’s Captain Harkness actually and yep I’m definitely going to be buying tickets. Well goodbye for now Mr….”
“Jones, Ianto Jones.”
“Mr Jones, Ianto Jones.” He took the clipboard from Ianto and wrote a number on it. “If you see anyone who shouldn’t be here you can contact me on 07910 867247, I’ve written it down for you.”
“Right, now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to get on.”
Jack stood and went to shake the man’s hand, but Ianto just turned and walked away. For several seconds Jack was stunned by the abruptness of the man, then he remembered the stunning blue eyes and the gorgeous Welsh tones when he spoke. Jack felt something stirring that he hadn’t felt since Estelle. Stop it Harkness you are thinking too much about the nature of the play and the conversation you were having with the kids back at the Hub. This man is probably happily married or in a relationship with someone and no doubt straight. Jack smiled and with one last look at Ianto Jones, left the theatre.
Ianto heard movement behind him. What right had that man, an American no less, to sit and watch the rehearsal? He must remember to speak to the security guard and tell him not to let anyone, especially him, access to the auditorium during rehearsals. If he wanted to chase criminals then he could do it when everyone had finished for the night. And anyway why was he wearing that World War Two great coat? Did he think he looked good in it? Ianto shook his head. Stop thinking about that man and get on with your work. He made a mental note to give Dawn the information about the intruder. She could deal with that man in future, he was too busy to be bothered with police investigations. He looked down at the number on the clipboard. Why would I want to ring him? I’d contact the police first. Ianto felt himself blush, why was this man having this effect on him. He didn’t have time for relationships, and anyway he was straight. Ianto felt something stir that he’d not felt since Lisa. He shook his head and vowed not to think of Captain Harkness again.
The dark shape had been watching the rehearsal from the lighting gantry above the stage when he felt another presence in the auditorium. After all these years he couldn’t still be alive could he? He’d hoped to find some relative of the man but not the actual man himself. It had been what? Sixty Earth years since the one they’d called Captain Harkness had killed his mate.
They’d met in London as it was being rebuilt after the war. He’d been hiding his family in a burnt out building. There was nowhere else to hide. He’d tried to get them all back to the ship, but it had left earth before they could reach it. The building on Upper St Martin’s Lane had proved a refuge for them, until he’d arrived. They’d tried to crawl into the cellar but the door was locked, there was nowhere else to go when this man in his great coat had been patrolling the streets. He’d realised someone or something was in the building and he’d come to get them. Harkness had told them he worked for Torchwood, at the time he didn’t know who they were, but he came to hate that name. He’d earlier witnessed other species being sent back through the rift and knew he and his family were next.
They weren’t an aggressive race, well not back then, but Harkness had found them just after they’d lost their spaceship. Instead of calmly listening to their story, Harkness had shouted at them to get in the box he held and he’d take them back to the rift. They’d tried to explain to him that they wouldn’t harm anyone, but this stupid man hadn’t listened. His gorgeous mate had tried to protect their child and had started to approach Harkness, before she could explain who they were and why they were here, this evil man had shot her with a blast from a strange gun. All he’d seen was a blue light beam. The next he knew his mate was a pile of dust on the floor. He’d thought about attacking Harkness then, but he had nothing to attack him with. Instead he’d disappeared up into the rafters of the bomb damaged building with his child before they too were a pile of dust.
Harkness had looked for them but they had been cunning. He was lucky they could hide in the shadows. Now he was back. He’d been back several times during the last sixty years to observe the advances this race had made. No-one had bothered him….till now. Harkness must be over 70 by now. He was a young man when he’d killed his mate, so hopefully the years hadn’t been kind to him. He’d have to make sure he came back to this place they called a theatre. He wanted his revenge and he was going to get it. If not by killing Harkness, then he would hunt out his mate and kill her. Then this great man would know what it was like to lose the person you loved.
The shadow remained on the lighting gantry to observe the movements that were going on below. He couldn’t understand what is was, but it was interesting. He had to be careful though, twice now he’d nearly been discovered by that man down there who seemed to be in charge. He didn’t want anyone stumbling across him before he’d had a chance to get even.
He continued to watch the proceedings on the large platform. He could wait. That was one thing the Tennos were known for - their patience. In the years since Harkness had killed his mate, he had learnt to fight and use the shadows to his advantage. Although it had been many years since he’d encountered Harkness, he was still as cunning and lithe as he was back then. To him the 60 years had only been six. His time moved a great deal slower than for those humans down there. He settled back and continued to watch the strange goings on.
Chapter 4