Title: Honey and Chocolate
Author: Iantosdreamer46
Rating: R, adult themes, occasional language, M/M
Pairings/Characters: Jack/Ianto, Tosh/Owen, Gwen
Spoilers: None that I know of
Summary: Ianto's surprise for Jack
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters, they belong to RTD and the BBC. I am just experimenting with them....
Written for the longliveianto bingo: Candlelight Sex
A/N1 Apologies for those of you getting this more than once, it's posted to several sites.
A/N2 This is for zazajb who without her friendship this last few months I wouldn't have gotten through the tough times at work. Thank you D
iantosdreamer46.livejournal.com/3003.html “Owen you take the alley on the left with Tosh, Gwen get back to the SUV and monitor us please and Ianto you’re with me down this alley. I need you to make sure that we don’t get separated any more Gwen is that clear?”
“Yes Jack, I’m on my way.”
The team had been hunting the alien that had come through the rift for what seemed like days. In fact it had been 18 hours since Tosh had seen the rift spike on her computer. Jack had decided that all of them should go and either capture their visitor or send it back to where it came from. Either way the quicker they could get rid of it the less likely it would be that the public would see it and they would have to use retcon. Jack hated using too much retcon, he had no idea how people would react to it. Ok he’d used it on the team and himself and they’d not had any adverse reactions, but he didn’t like taking the risk that a member of the public would react badly to it.
“Jack, it’s down here.” Shouted Owen.
“We’re on our way, come on Ianto, Owen and Tosh need our help.”
Jack didn’t want to let Ianto out of his sight. Not since that night. The night he became immortal. But sooner or later he was going to have to trust his lover that he would be careful and not put himself in too much danger. Ok he was pleased that they would have an increased number of years together, but he didn’t want to think of the time he may not come back to him. He couldn’t bear to lose him not now, not after everything they had been through.
“I’m right behind you Jack, you go, I’ll skirt around this way and we can cut them off. Before you say anything, don’t worry I’ll be careful. I think I’ve got the hang of this dying thing now. Don’t worry otherwise it might put the others in danger. I can look after myself I promise.”
Jack looked at Ianto and smiled that just for Ianto smile, then headed off in the direction of Owen’s shouts. Ianto carefully made his way down the street to the exit of the alley at the other end. Reaching the entrance he stopped, he thought he’d heard something. A whimper, not animal, more human.
He tapped his comms. “Jack, there’s someone or something injured at this end. I’m going to take a look, I may need some help from Owen if they’re hurt.”
“Ok Yan, be careful. Owen did you hear that?”
“Yes Jack, I’m about fifty yards from where Ianto’s stood. I’ll make my way down there. Tosh will stay here, we think whatever it is has gone into the back garden of one of the houses along here. She’s trying to get a trace on it, but it’s gone feint and she’s having some problems.”
“Right Owen, I’m nearly there, I can just see your outlines, go to Ianto and see what he’s found.”
Owen made his way cautiously to the opposite end of the alleyway. Seeing Ianto silhouetted at the end he said “Ianto I can see you I’ll be there in a…..”
He never got to finish his sentence because the next thing he saw was a dark mass spring up from the ground and cover Ianto.
“Jack, Tosh you had better get here now!”
“What….what’s the matter Owen?”
“Just get here Jack, Ianto’s been hurt. Whatever it was just landed on him and he’s struggling to get it off. I’m going to help him.”
“Shit Owen you were supposed to be looking out for him. Can’t anyone get anything right?”
“Hey, Jack don’t take it out on me. I was a few feet away, I couldn’t have done anything if I’d tried. It was too quick and Ianto did try to move but he seemed rooted to the floor.”
“Gwen, get the SUV to the end of the alleyway, NOW. We need to get Ianto back to the hub so Owen can see to him. Owen have you any idea what it is that’s attacked him?”
“No, Jack I can’t be sure, but I think something is stuck to him, you know like in the film Alien, where John Hurt gets that thing attached to his face. Well this thing has attached itself to Ianto’s chest.”
“For Christ’s sake Owen get it off him. I know he’s like me but it still hurts like hell when anything happens, and I don’t want him hurting anymore. He’s gone through enough.”
“Hey, I’m on it Jack, look he’s gonna be alright. We’ll get him back to the hub and we’ll all be laughing at it in a couple of days.”
By this time Jack and Tosh had caught up with Owen and they looked down at him as he began to prise the creature off Ianto’s chest. Gwen arrived in the SUV at the end of the alley, jumped out with a medical kit in her hands wanting to know if there was anything she could do.
“Tosh, go with Gwen and get the containment box that’s in the back of the vehicle, I’ll need it to put this….this….blob in, for want of a better word.”
The girls made their way to the vehicle for the box noting Jack’s scared look as he was watching Owen work on his lover.
“I’ve never seen Jack so scared in all my life as I have these last few weeks.”
“I know what you mean Tosh, we all know that Ianto can’t be killed but what we don’t know is if it’s permanent, Jack hopes it is, but for now we have to take one day at a time. Owen is still doing tests so maybe in the next few days we’ll know one way or another.”
“Yeah I know, I just worry for Jack, you can see how much he loves Ianto. I just hope that it lasts. Maybe whilst Owen is sorting Ianto out this time he can determine anything more from the tests he does.”
“Hey Tosh, don’t worry, they’re both going to be ok. Owen will get this thing off him and the pair of them will comfort one another the only way they know how. Ianto’s going to be fine.”
They arrived back at the alley with the box, Owen was still trying to dislodge the blob from Ianto’s chest. Suddenly, without warning it came loose with a sound that was similar to Velcro being pulled apart. Owen threw it into the box and just as quickly the girls had the lid shut and locked.
Looking down at his lover Jack noticed two puncture wounds in his chest. “Owen look, please tell me he’s still breathing.”
Owen felt for a pulse, looked closely at the wounds in him, bent to see if he could feel any breath. He didn’t have to say anything, the look on his face told them all that Ianto was dead. No pulse, no breath.
“Shit, Owen you’ve got to do something, please, he can’t be dead, you know what happens to both of us now, can’t you do something.”
“Steady on Jack, just think what happens when you die you have no breath, no pulse, Ianto’s just the same. Come on we need to get him back to the hub.”
“Guys what about the thing that went into the back garden down there?”
“Look Ianto’s more important at this present moment in time. Let’s just get him home and see he’s alright then we’ll come back and find that….that thing. I’m going to send it back from whence it came. Nobody messes with my team and gets away with it.”
The three of them looked at Jack. They couldn’t remember the last time they’d seen him this angry and upset. They knew he was scared, scared of one day Ianto not recovering. They had tried to reassure him that he would be fine. But as before he would only believe them when he saw with his own eyes, that Ianto was breathing again. He’d begun to realise what the others went through when they’d seen him killed and were waiting for him to recover.
Back at the hub, Jack carried Ianto down to the medical bay. Owen connected him up to the monitors that would show any life signs. Jack stared at them, all he saw were flat lines and a continuous drone. He blinked away tears, wishing that Ianto would come back to him quickly. He couldn’t live without him, he needed him, he made him whole.
Owen put a hand on Jack’s arm, “look Jack, there’s nothing you can do here, why don’t you go and let the girls get you some coffee. I’ll let you know when anything happens.”
“NO…sorry, no, I’d rather stay here with Yan if you don’t mind. I want to be here when he wakes up. He is going to wake up, isn’t he?”
“Sure he is, nothing can stop the tea boy from winding me up, so don’t worry he’ll be back with us in no time.”
Owen suddenly realised what he’d said and looked at Jack. Whether Jack hadn’t heard him or whether he was just ignoring the comment he didn’t know, he was just staring at his young lover, tears in his eyes again.
“Come on my love, come back to me, I need you, I love you.” Jack whispered. He held onto his hand and stroked a thumb across the back of it as he spoke the words over and over again.
Owen, Tosh and Gwen looked on feeling so helpless. They knew the bond between the two of them was strong, but never realised how much in love with each other they were. When Owen looked at his two friends he realised they both had tears in their eyes.
“Hey, come on girls, Ianto’s going to be alright. You watch, he’ll be back with us in a minute.”
“You had better be right Owen I’d hate to be on the receiving end of Jack if he isn’t. You promised him that this….this thing would last a long time. Don’t you think it’s taking Ianto a bit longer to come back to us this time?”
“Yeah, I do Gwen but I didn’t want to say anything, you know what Jack’s like. I’ve been on the receiving end of his temper on too many occasions. But listen, try and get him to go for a coffee with you I want to run some tests, but I can’t with Jack still down there.”
“We’ll try but we are not promising anything. Ok?”
Owen nodded and the three of them went back into the medical area. Tosh and Gwen went to put their arms around Jack. Who without realising, brushed them away. They looked at Owen and shook their heads. Nothing and no-one was going to move Jack, not until they knew how Ianto was going to be.
“Jack, come on, come with us, let’s get you a coffee you can sit in your office and wait till Owens done his tests. He’ll come and get you, won’t you Owen?”
“Sure Gwen as soon as I know anything.”
“Why can’t you lot get it into your thick skulls, I’m not, repeat NOT leaving Yan to go through this alone. He needs me, and….and I need him.”
Jack broke down into a sob. His friends looked at him and then at each other, all showing despair on their faces. Not knowing how to comfort him nor what to say. They decided they would retreat to the autopsy room where Owen could monitor Ianto’s machines and they could at least talk without having to be careful as to what they said. They didn’t want to upset Jack anymore.
“Owen, why isn’t Ianto coming round as quickly as he did last time?”
“I’m not sure Tosh, I need to get some tests done, but you’ve seen Jack, he won’t let me anywhere near him. I just need to examine those puncture wounds. Maybe the creature left part of itself inside him, I just won’t know until I can get to examine him.”
“Look the longer you leave it the worse it could become. Why don’t we all go back and tell Jack what you need to do and then he can stay whilst you do the examination. We’ll talk to him while you see to Ianto that way he will sort of be distracted, and you can help. How does that sound?”
“That’s the best idea so far. Ok Tosh, you and Gwen go and tell Jack I need to stitch the wounds that way he’ll know we’re just trying to help. Whilst I do the stitching, I’ll check his blood, it looks as though he’s lost quite a lot and with the way things have been going with our tea boy lately I haven’t got any spare I can give him. Yes I’ve got a stock of his blood, but not since….well you know….the nightclub….immortal. His blood is definitely different now to what it was when he first joined Torchwood. I’d hate to give him a transfusion and take away his healing powers. Jack would definitely kill me if I did that to him.”
The three of them made their way back to Jack and Ianto. Jack was bent over Ianto, his head resting on his lover’s chest, willing him to breathe again. The girls went to Jack and helped him to his feet.
“Come on Jack, let Owen take a look at Ianto, he’s not going to hurt him, he just wants to see to the wounds and stitch him up again. He’s lost a lot of blood and Owen doesn’t want him to lose anymore.”
Jack reluctantly went with the girls but wouldn’t leave the room whilst Owen checked him over. He wanted to make sure that he didn’t get hurt any more than was necessary.
Owen didn’t bother unbuttoning the waistcoat and the shirt he just cut them both open together with scissors. Looking at the wounds he could see that they were beginning to heal over. He smiled to himself. He had been right earlier, nothing was going to keep the tea boy down, not even a Velcro suction alien.
“Jack, come here, look at this.”
Jack went and stood by Owen and tentatively looked down at his gorgeous Welshman. “What….what am I supposed to be looking at?”
“These wounds Jack, I could have sworn they were a lot bigger than that when we first brought him home. Keep your eye on them whilst I take some blood and go and analyse it.”
Jack did as he was told. He felt numb, not being able to do anything for Ianto. He held on to his hand again as if the link between the both of them would bring Ianto back sooner.
Owen came back a few minutes later. “Jack, look at this. I’ve just done some more tests on his blood and compared them to the ones I took when this immortality thing happened to him. His blood has changed again. By all accounts his life is expanding again. So you’ll have more time with him, when he comes around, than you had before. He’s not going to die - well at least not permanently - for a long time yet. You’ll have him for many years to come. And yes I did mean that literally.”
Owen looked at Jack smiling. Jack didn’t give his usual grin but winked at Owen in reply. All he had to do now was wait for Ianto to wake up. And he knew he was going to wake up. He took hold of his hand again and bent and kissed the lips he loved so much. Whether it was the kiss or something else but Ianto gulped a huge intake of breath and his eyes flickered open. Jack still holding on to his hand jumped. Saw the pain filled eyes of his lover and kissed him again. This time Ianto was able to respond.
“Oi, come on guys, we’ve not eaten yet.”
“Owen leave them alone, they deserve it.”
Breaking apart, Jack looked at his friends. “Thank you Owen, we know what you think and you’re only jealous. Gwen, Tosh, thanks.”
He looked back at Ianto who was trying to sit up. The wounds on his chest were fading but not as quickly as they should have done. Jack pushed him back down onto the bed and cupped his face in his hands.
“Lie still my love, you’re going to be sore for a while yet, they took a real nasty bite out of you, and I don’t want you passing out again now you’ve come back to me.”
“It hurts Jack, what….what the hell happened? I feel as though I’ve been hit by a speeding train.”
“You were being sucked dry by a not so friendly alien, Ianto, we haven’t had time to do any tests on the thing but we’ve not seen anything like it before. There’s another one out there but when you were injured we came straight back.”
“Look, I’m fine….aaargh….if a little sore, but you need to go get it. I’ll be fine here resting. I’m sure you want revenge Jack don’t you? Go on admit it.”
“Oh Yan, I’m just pleased that you’re still here. I….I don’t….I don’t know what I would have done if anything….”
“Hey Cariad, nothing is going to take me away from you for a very long time. Isn’t that right Owen?”
“Yeah, as far as I can tell you’re going to be annoying one another for a long time to come.”
“Oh we can do that can’t we Yan…” grinned Jack.
“Oh please, enough of your love life.”
“I was right, you’re jealous, aren’t you Owen, go on admit it.”
“Ok, ok maybe just a little, but don’t keep reminding me.”
Tosh went over to Owen, put her arm around him and kissed his cheek. Owen looked at her and smiled. Their relationship hadn’t been good lately, what with all the work they’d had. Jack made a mental note to himself to give the team some time off when they’d caught this last alien. Gwen hadn’t seen Rhys for nearly a week now and she was getting snarky with the team.
“Hey, I’m still here. Isn’t anyone going to listen to my idea?”
They looked back at Ianto who was again trying to sit up. They noticed him wince in pain as he did so but this time he made it. Sliding his back up against the headboard he grabbed Jack’s hand and looked at his friends.
“I think it would be a good time to go and see if you can catch that thing that’s out there. I’ll be ok, just don’t be too long it gets lonely in here on my own.”
“We wouldn’t want you to be lonely, my love would we? Why don’t I stay with you just to make sure you’re gonna be ok.”
“No, Jack I’m fine, aren’t I Owen? In fact I’m feeling better by the minute. I’ll make sure the coffee’s on for when you get back.”
They all looked at him and smiled. They were all glad that he was going to be ok. They were pleased too that Jack was happier again. They could see the relief in his eyes. He didn’t say much but they had learnt to see the signs on his face whenever his lover was hurt. They knew he tried not to let it come between their work, but when it was Ianto that was hurt he couldn’t help but worry.
“Ok, kids, Ianto has a point. We need to capture this blob, as Owen calls it and see exactly what it is. Have any of you looked at the one in the box?”
“No not yet Jack, we’ve been worried about the pair of you. I’ll go and see what it is, back shortly.”
“Thanks Tosh, Gwen, Owen I couldn’t have gotten through this without all of you. When today’s over and we’ve dissected our friend you should all have the weekend off. It’s been a long time since you were able to spend some quality time with your partners. I know I’m going to make the most of it with Ianto.”
“Here we go again, Jack….please!”
Jack tried to glare at Owen but the relief he felt that his gorgeous man was going to be ok meant he couldn’t keep up the pretence and grinned at him.
“Hey don’t I get a say in this?”
“Ianto, you are the one that deserves the break more than any of us. You need proper time to recover and I think I could help you with that.” Jack’s wicked grin spread across his face as he bent to kiss his lover.
They all laughed and the relief everyone felt was evident. Jack was back to his old self again. They were each given their jobs to do and he promised Ianto that he wouldn’t be long.
“Hey, take as long as you need, I’ll occupy myself here, and before you say anything I’m not going to do anything too strenuous. I’ll make the coffee and then go down to our quarters and rest. Is that ok Doctor Harper?”
“I couldn’t agree more. Just as long as you make the coffee the priority.”
They laughed again, the atmosphere lightening with each minute Ianto was getting back to normal.
Finally Ianto was alone in the hub. Tosh hadn’t been able to find out much as when she opened the containment box all it contained was a black stick mess. They needed the live one to find out what it really was.
Ianto smiled to himself. He knew what he had to do and roughly how much time he had to do it in. He’d made Gwen promise to let him know when they were on their way back to the hub. He didn’t want Jack to know what he was doing he wanted it to be a surprise. He’d been waiting for the right time, and this was the right time.
Owen had made him promise not to move until the wounds on his chest had completely healed. He looked down and saw two pale pink spots on his chest. He rubbed them with his fingers and they felt tender. Not wanting to rush things, even though he was limited with time, he carefully sat on the edge of the bed. His head felt as though it was full of cotton wool. He closed his eyes and took deep breaths. He had to be ok by the time Jack got back, he wanted to show him how much he loved him. Glancing down at the welts on his chest again, he noticed they were getting smaller. It still scared him a little if he was truthful, he believed what Owen was saying about him, he understood now what Jack went through each time, but he was scared that he wouldn’t come back to his Captain. Understanding what Jack went through triggered his surprise. He’d been collecting Jack’s favourite candles for the last few weeks and he’d amassed around 20. Knowing how much Jack loved the fragrance he was only too pleased to be able to spend his money on the person he loved.
Glancing down again he was pleased to see that the welts had finally disappeared. He slowly stood up, not wanting to pass out, that would not help with the surprise. He carefully made his way down to the archives where he’d hidden the candles. Jack very rarely went down there and he never went through any of the boxes. Firstly Ianto would have told him off and secondly he was not interested in looking through the boxes, if Ianto found anything interesting he would tell Jack.
Carrying the box with the candles in down to their quarters was not as simple as Ianto had first thought. Maybe he’d just got one too many of them. No, Jack was worth every penny and he deserved a treat for being there for Ianto. He was halfway down the ladder when his phone in his back pocket buzzed. Cursing he balanced the box on a rung of the ladder and extracted the phone. Looking at the display it read Jack and had a message attached. He muttered under his breath again, but he knew that Jack was just making sure he was ok. Ianto smiled to himself and read the text message. Don’t do anything too strenuous, I’ll be back to look after you very soon my love. Ianto smiled. He never really thought he could love another man as much as he loved Jack.
He put the phone back in his pocket and balancing the box made his way down the rest of the ladder. He wanted everything to be perfect for when Jack got back home. He placed the box on their bed and one by one set the candles around the room displaying them on their own or two and three together. Looking at the finished displays he smiled and nodded his head. Perfect he thought, for a perfect lover. Looking at his watch he realised that they’d been gone a couple of hours. He hoped they’d been able to catch whatever it was that had attached itself to him. Suddenly his phone rang. Looking at the caller ID it told him it was Gwen.
“Hi Ianto, we’re on our way back, we should be with you in about ten minutes. Is everything ok?”
“Yeah Gwen, everything’s in place and I’ll be in Jack’s office when you get back. Did you manage to catch our little friend?”
“Yeah we have a live one this time. It went to go for Owen”
“It would have spat him out…”
Gwen laughed “Yeah you know that and I know that but don’t tell our acerbic medic will you? It’s an ugly little thing, the alien I mean, not Owen.” She laughed again.
Ianto was laughing too “Gwen stop it, you’ll get me shot, then what would I do?”
“Ianto, you would just come back and haunt us. Seriously, Tosh has made some discoveries about our little friend. But she’ll tell you when we get back. How’s things?”
“Ok, everything’s in place. Just don’t say anything to Jack, please.”
“No, I won’t, you are both very lucky men.”
“Thanks Gwen, that means a lot.”
They said their goodbyes and Ianto went to wait in Jack’s office. When he heard the team talking he made his way down to the main part of the hub. Finding them huddled around a containment box he slid an arm around Jacks waist and planted a light kiss on his neck.
“Mmmm hello Ianto. How are you feeling?”
“How did you know it was me?”
“Well unless Owen has had a change of heart it had to be you my love, I can see both girls in front of me.”
“Cheers Jack, just why do you think I would want to kiss you?”
“Because you find me irresistible?”
They all laughed. Jack was pleased that Ianto was feeling much better. He looked at his lover and gently kissed the tip of the button nose he loved so much.
“Right, what do we have here. I want to know what it is and why it’s here and why it attaches itself to humans.”
Tosh had been doing some tests in the SUV as they had travelled back.
“I’ve never seen anything like it before Jack, all I can tell you is that they feed off a person’s blood, and looking at the results of this scan, I can tell you that we managed to get it off Ianto just in time. If we’d left it a few seconds longer, then he wouldn’t be here now. They take the blood to feed and reproduce. Once they’ve taken the blood, they detach themselves and curl up and die. They transfer the blood to their young and bury the eggs in the body they have just left. Ianto was very lucky that Owen was able to prize it off him. Any longer and he would be the host for a very yucky mess.”
“Is that a technical term Tosh?”
She looked at Jack. “What do you mean?”
“Yucky! Is that technical?” Jack smiled.
“Oh behave Jack. I’ve only come across one other species that is anything remotely like our friend here. It was just after I joined Torchwood and if I recall it was a very messy time. We only just managed to clear things up before the public woke to go to work. Don’t you remember?”
“Oh yeah, I do, we were lucky we didn’t have to retcon the whole of the Splot area. What were they called…? Something like edetimil? Can you remember?”
“Yeah that sounds familiar. We just sent them back to where they came from. Look I’ve got co-ordinates of the rift they came through, do you want me and Owen to send them back? It’ll be our pleasure…won’t it Owen?”
“What…oh…yeah, fine by me Tosh, then maybe we could go for a drink?”
Jack smiled at his colleagues. Thankful that they were getting along. “Ok kids, tell you what why don’t you all have the weekend off and we’ll see you on Monday morning bright eyed and bushy tailed.”
“What you do in you spare time is nothing to do with us Jack.” Grinned Owen, knowing that he along with the rest of the team were in for some fun in the bedroom this weekend.
“Thanks Owen, just disappear and have a good weekend and if you don’t happen to get out of bed all weekend then that’s no concern of mine, just go and have fun.”
Gwen smiled and was immediately on the phone to Rhys, Tosh and Owen looked at each other and left the hub hand in hand, Owen carrying the containment box.
Once the others had gone Jack turned to Ianto, “What shall we do this weekend, we have it all to ourselves.”
“Oh, I have a few ideas. Do you trust me?”
“Of course I trust you my love. What’s with the question?”
“I want you to close your eyes and just do whatever I say. No peeking otherwise I might just go home to my flat for the weekend.”
“Promise, no peeking?”
“I promise, my love. Now take me and do whatever you want with me.”
“Mmmm sounds like a very good idea. Now close your eyes Jack, remember what I said.”
Jack did as he was told and closed his eyes. Ianto took both his hands into his own and slowly lead Jack into his office. Jack had a vague idea where they were but as the door of his office opened he could smell the subtle aromas of Honey and Chocolate, his favourite scented candle. What had Ianto been doing whilst they were out alien catching? What had he got in mind for them? Jack didn’t care what it was as long as he was with his gorgeous lover.
“Last step Jack, be careful”
“Yan, what have you been doing?”
“Not yet, Cariad, I’ll tell you when you can open your eyes.”
Jack was getting the smell of his favourite candles and he could feel himself becoming aroused. “Ianto, I don’t think I can take this much longer, please can I open my eyes.”
“Ok, but before you do, I just want you to know I love you with all my heart.”
Jack smiled and slowly opened his eyes. He was met with an array of candles scattered about the room. The smell was gorgeous, just like his lover. His arousal more prominent now he was certain that Ianto could see. He didn’t care he wanted to take him and lose himself in his love. How did he do this, they’d not been shopping and they’d only been gone a couple of hours.
“Ianto it’s….it’s gorgeous, just like you” he pulled him closer and kissed his forehead. “When did you do this?”
“Oh I found I had a few minutes whilst you were all out catching our friend. I hoped you’d like it. I wanted tonight to be special. I wanted to show you how much I loved you and how much you’ve helped me through everything this last few weeks.”
Jack enveloped Ianto into his arms and kissed him slowly, tongues exploring first Jack’s mouth then eagerly finding new sensations in Ianto’s. Slowly Ianto began to unbutton Jack’s shirt, first removing the braces. Pushing the shirt off his shoulders it pooled on the floor. Jack removed his t-shirt and it fell onto the floor. Ianto went to undo the buckle of Jack’s belt but was stopped.
“My turn, my love.”
He only had to pull a t-shirt over Ianto’s head as the shirt and waistcoat had been cut away by Owen and was still on the medical room floor. This shirt joined Jack’s clothing and then he went to the fastening on Ianto’s trousers. Kissing his lover Jack released him from the constraints of both trousers and underwear. Noting that like himself he was hard. Jack’s trousers were next to be sent to the pile on the floor and stepping out of their clothes they made their way to the bed. Kissing all the while, only breaking for air when they could no longer breathe through their noses.
Ianto eased Jack down onto the bed and starting with his right ear he nipped and sucked on it emitting a low moan from Jack’s mouth. “Need you inside me, please Yan.”
“Soon my love, soon.”
Carrying on, he made his way across to the other ear and gave that equal attention, all the while their breathing coming faster. Moving down his neck, Ianto’s hand went down to circle around Jack’s hardness, stroking and teasing it knowing Jack was near the edge. Kissing his way down, he arrived at Jack’s nipples, removing his hand from around Jack he teased an already hard nipple by pulling and tugging on it at the same time as he bit and sucked on the other.
Jack balled his fist into Ianto’s hair, “Need….you….now….Ianto.”
“Soon, Cariad”
Ianto eased his way further down the front of Jack’s smooth, toned body and was then met by the tight hairs at the base of his cock. Cupping his balls in his hand he licked and kissed the hardness knowing Jack was close to exploding. He wanted to prolong the pleasure and the teasing, knowing that they would both explode once he was inside his Captain.
Ianto took Jack into his mouth, sliding up and down the length sucking and nipping as he went. He could feel himself on the edge and his hand found his own hardness and began stroking in time with the movements around Jack.
Ianto released his mouth from Jack and reached over to the bedside table. Expertly applying lube to his hand he reached around the back of Jack and found the opening he was soon to invade with himself. Pushing in one finger Jack’s moans were becoming louder. Ianto was pleased the others had gone home early. He didn’t want to rush the pleasure he was giving Jack and the pleasure he was having himself. He inserted another finger scissoring the two to ready Jack for his own hardness. Teasing his lover he removed both fingers to the dismay and moans that emitted from Jack.
Smiling at Jack, he moved up and kissed him. Moving back he pushed himself inside and both men groaned with pleasure. Ianto found Jack’s hardness and placing a hand around it he moved it in time with the thrusts inside his lover. They were slow and deliberate at first but with rising passions the moans and movements of the two of them became faster and louder. Ianto pushing himself far into Jack and Jack moving his hips wanting him to go deeper, they looked deep into each others’ eyes and with synchronised movements they shouted each others’ names and both came together, knowing that they had many more days and nights like this together.
They slowed their movements down, brought their breathing back to near normal and smiled with a look that didn’t need words, they loved each other.
“Thank you Yan.”
“What for Jack?”
“For being here with me, I’ve not felt like this for a very long time.”
“It’s I who should be thanking you Cariad. For believing in me and showing me how lucky I am to have found you.”
“I’m not going to let you go Ianto Jones. You are here for as long as you want me.”
“Forever Jack, forever”
Letting the smell of the candles soothe them, they held on to each other and drifted off into a peaceful sleep.