Series 2, Episode 11 - Adrift

Mar 21, 2008 23:22


From: Jones, Ianto
To: Gwen
Subject: Phone call
Date: Friday 21st March 2008


Andy called for you while you were out... on the secure emergency line. Could you have a word with him about that please? We don't call it the emergency line just because we like words with lots of syllables.

Speaking of which, you might like to tell him there's no such word as 'portentious'. It's 'portentous'.


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From: Cooper, Gwen
To: Ianto
Subject: RE: Phone call
Date: Friday 21st March 2008

> Andy called for you while you were out... on the secure emergency
> line. Could you have a word with him about that please? We don't
> call it the emergency line just because we like words with lots of
> syllables.

Sorry, it's my fault. He's called me at home a couple of times and I've been avoiding him - I should've known he wouldn't leave it at that. I'll find out what he wants and tell him not to call me here again.


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From: Cooper, Gwen
To: Toshiko
Subject: Rift activity
Date: Friday 21st March 2008

Tosh, I'm just about to head back from the Barrage. This might not be as much of a fool's errand as I thought. Could you look at the attachment and check for Rift activity on the date of the report? I'll be back at the Hub in about fifteen minutes.

Oh, and don't tell Jack about this. Yet.


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Ongoing Archive Notes

Torchwood 3

Volume 73, Week 11

Alien activity: None.

Alien technology: None.

Rift activity: While she and Gwen investigated a missing persons case, Toshiko figured out that sometimes there are negative Rift spikes, ones that take things away. I didn’t think anyone would put the two together, I’ve kept it well hidden. I knew Tosh was a genius when I hired her, guess I forgot just how good she is. Should have known something was up when I saw that adorable little ‘’aha’’ smile that she gets when she’s been particularly clever.

Security: The whole team now knows about the medical facility for victims of the Rift. Tosh and Owen don’t know all the details, we spared them that. We offered Nikki, Jonah’s mother, amnesia pills, but she refused them. She said she didn’t want to go back to constantly hoping in vain. As much as it damaged her, at least she was now able to let go. She asked about giving the pills to the the victims, but they’re so badly damaged, the amnesia drug doesn’t work on them. That was the first thing I tried, when the first of them came through.

Staff: Gwen would never have found the facility if Ianto hadn’t helped her. He was wrong to do that. But, of course, he was actually right in the end. There’s no way Gwen would have let it go. I should have trusted her with the information, but I knew what it would do to her. Sometimes, the only way to realise that you shouldn’t look behind that door is to actually go and look. Gwen learned that. Nikki learned that. We all did.

Other Staff issues: Seeing Gwen experience it for the first time took me right back to when I first heard that terrible scream. After Gwen had gone home, I just held on to Ianto for a couple of hours, as tightly as I could.

Capt. Jack Harkness.

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Flat Holm is a unique property boasting many desirable features. We envisage that it would suit a variety of corporate purposes and for the right buyer this will be a highly advantageous purchase. Viewing is recommended to appreciate its full potential. The entire island is made up of private land (you are advised to examine the legal situation with regards the surrounding water) and the freehold on this is included in the price of the property.

The lighthouse, built in 1910, is disused but in good condition. Although it has not performed the function it was built for in several years it has often been pressed into service for security purposes. One of the principal benefits of Flatholm is its security from opportunist criminals, and the lighthouse has been used as a watchtower to guard against approaches from the sea. It has four storeys and could be converted to provide residential space if needed.

The bulk of the property comprises the bunkers, built in 1940. These have previously been put to a variety of purposes. The entrances on the surface lead underground, so the extent of the property is not immediately visible upon approach: again, this has evident security benefits. The space is at a depth of 30m as compared to the surface level and has a total area of 50350m2. It is divided into dozens of units which could be put to a variety of purposes. Secure access ensures that unauthorised persons will struggle to get in (or out). All interior doors have locks and heavy bolts. The structure is sound and has been well maintained, with several walls replaced in the 1980s: it is free of damp and rot. No fixtures or fittings remain.

The present owner is keen to make a quick sale, and early enquiries are likely to be rewarded with a very competitive price.

Sold - 27/10/00

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Davidson, Andrew
Author: Harkness, J

Andy is Gwen’s old beat partner from her cop days, and he’s still with the police. It’s a tie she could have cut, but she didn’t want to and I didn’t want her to either. With all the contact we have with the police it would’ve been basically impossible anyway.

Andy is definitely suspicious of Torchwood, but that’s hardly unusual in a cop. They all get their noses put out of joint when we butt in and take over a case. The difference is how much they care - a lot of them have a bit of a pride thing about it, but really they’re relieved to have the weird jobs taken off their hands, especially since we agreed that any cases we solve contribute to their statistics (Ianto’s idea, and a damn smart one). But some of them actually get curious and want to know more. I shouldn’t knock it, that’s how we found Gwen after all. I don’t know how much Andy knows; we don’t know if he remembers the Roman centurion incident. Gwen says he’s never referred to it since, so I’d guess he doesn’t.

The connection Andy has with Gwen probably makes him think he’s closer to finding out more about Torchwood, but he isn’t. She knows how to play him. In some cases he’s actually been pretty useful, because he’ll go to Gwen off his own bat sometimes and get us some useful info. Why? My take is that (a) he’s sweet on her and (b) he’d like to join us. Who wouldn’t? We’re awesome. But being a good beat cop doesn’t make you Torchwood material.

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series 2, adrift, episode 11

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