Title: Ianto and His New Toy
iantojjackhRating: PG
Characters: Ianto and ??
Warnings: Hub Wars, enough said
Disclaimer: See profile
Notes: written for
tw100 challenge 294: Teddy Bears’ Picnic. I’ve been feeling kind of bleah the last few days and wrote this to cheer myself up. Plus I’m looking for any ideas for little drabbles or short fics to kick my muses into action. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
Ianto and His New Toy
“You are a lot cuter this way,” Ianto had to chuckle as he cradled the soft bear in his arms. “And a lot quieter too.” He tapped the felt red nose and cooed.
“Too bad you’ll be back to normal by morning. So it’s good I borrowed this from Mica.” Ianto laughed as he dressed the bear in a rainbow leotard and tutu. “We have to memorialize this.” Ianto took a dozen pictures of the bear in various poses.
The stuffed bear quietly snarled to himself, carefully plotting his revenge once he returned to his own body.
Hub Wars lives.