Title: Unconventional Tourist
iantojjackh and
timelordshines- our last collaboration from our Cardiff adventures.
Rating: PG- for swearing and Jack being Jack
Characters: Ianto and Jack
Summary: An alien is loose once again in Cardiff
Disclaimer: Not ours. Just borrowing.
Note: Today's adventure was to Cardiff Comic Con and our last day here. Hope you enjoy.
Unconventional Tourist... )
Comments 23
I wanted to tell you that I really enjoyed your (and you partner in crime's)stories from your vacation. I feel like I've gotten a vicarious trip to the UK. Well done!!
You didn't say if the boys were in costume so I'm guessing they weren't--though I'm sure Jack's coat made lots of people wonder what obscure fandom he was representing. :)
This is making me look forward to NY Comic Con!
I'm sure Jack's coat made lots of people wonder what obscure fandom he was representing. :)
Actually I was wondering that nobody commented how much alike he looked like Jack Harkness and how spot on his costume was *g*
They probably didn't say anything because to some of them Jack Harkness is someone they see around Cardiff on occasion and stands on roofs.
Yah. I so can't wait. MY ticket was waiting for me when i got home.
Yeah Jack would love all the skimpy costume and since the arena is not too far from the bay...they ca have so much fun.
An alien on its first trip to earth wouldn't know the difference especially after seeing so many non-human looking things.
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