Title: Captain Junior Gets Grounded
Iantojjackh Rating: PG
Summary: Ianto dons a cape and it goes wrong.
Characters: Ianto, Jack and Owen
Spoilers/Warnings: n/a
Notes: Written for tw100 challenge: Superman. First day back to work after vacation and I don't want to deal.
Captain Junior Gets Grounded
Ianto never wanted to wear the cape, but after four hours of Jack pouting and all the annoying things that came with it Ianto finally gave in for his own sanity.
And it's a move Ianto would regret...for the next six weeks.
Ianto couldn't look at Owen as the medic treated the neck abrasions and set his broken left arm. Thankfully he did not ask about the kinky games gone wrong.
Jack was no where to be found, hiding in embarrassment and guilt. It would be a long time before Captain Junior would be allowed to fly and save the day again.