A Lesson in Geometry

Apr 12, 2013 17:55

Title: A Lesson in Geometry
Author: iantojjackh
Summary: The triangle of love
Characters: Gwen, Jack and Tosh
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Only my Hub Wars 'verse. This takes place shortly after Jack returns from TYTNW.
Notes: Written for TW100 challenge 279: triangular. I haven't visited hub wars in a while and decided to pay it a little visit. Also, if anyone is interested I need help with two fics I'm trying to write. None of my RL friends has an appreciation for fan fiction so I must turn to my car readers. One is a CoE fix-it and the other is from Master of Secrets verse. So if you can pretty please help don't hesitate to drop me a line.

A Lesson in Geometry

"It's simple Tosh. The triangle of love," Gwen pointed to the paper in front of her and on it a sparkly pink triangle with Ianto, Jack and Owen's names written at each point.

"There is no love triangle. Sure Ianto and Owen had a brief thing while Jack was away, but Jack's back now and he'd kill Owen if he ever finds out." Tosh shook her head, not wanting to get involved.

"Why would I kill Owen?" Jack sauntered into the room, trying to peek at the paper Gwen was hiding. "Torchwood's Triangle of Love. I like Pentagon of Love better."

humor, fanfic, general insanity, jack, hub wars, tosh, gwen, drabble

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