Title: Queen of the Universe
iantojjackhRating: PG
Characters: Read to find out
Summary: The mark she leaves on history...
Notes: written for challenge
tw100 challenge: Woman's History. Thanks to
tardisjournal for putting the idea in my head
Queen of the Universe
She’d go down as the most vicious and ruthless ruler in Earth’s history. Once word of her sadistic tactics began to spread, people either submitted or faced fates worse than death. In three years the inhabitants of Earth were eating out of the palm of her half-metal hand.
After thousands of years once humans begin to roam the Earth again, people would still cower in fear of her name and constant companion.
Lisa Hallett: Queen of the Cyber Race and eventually queen of the entire universe and by her side, her little pet and lover, the only non-cyber human: Ianto Jones.