Title: A Sweet Lullaby
iantojjackh Summary: It was a quiet and tender moment
Rating: G
Characters: Jack/Ianto
Notes: written for
TW100 challenge 276: Sound. Follows
And One Reason He Might A Sweet Lullaby
Ianto heard the singing as soon as he entered the flat. The song was obviously a lullaby, but Ianto did not recognise the language. He quietly made his way to the nursery and stood at the threshold as Jack tried to soothe a crying Tristan.
Tears pricked the corner of the Welshman's eyes as he closed them and let the sound of the calming melody wash over him. It was such a tender and unguarded moment that Ianto almost felt guilty for interrupting.
It's moments like this that makes life worth living and shows that love really does conquer all.