House of Cards

Jan 02, 2013 21:06

Title: House of Cards
Author: iantojjackh
Summary: A new player enters Hub Wars
Characters: Owen, Tosh and a surprise guest
Rating: PG
Notes: Written for tw100 challenge: Starting over. Since my first drabble was so angsty I wanted to try to fluff and ended up with crackish humour. And a very Happy Birthday to timelordshines.

House of Cards

To cure his boredom Owen had made a carefully constructed house of cards and was about to put the finishing touches on it when something came flying in his direction and destroyed the fragile work of art.

"Okay, which of you sick fucks threw this?" Owen yelled at his fellow Torchwood males, holding up a red vibrator that turned itself on when it landed on the desk.

Just as Tosh was about to answer, a loud noise from above revealed the true culprit.

"Ianto was teaching her to fetch last week." Tosh replied, smirking.

Owen grumbled and started to rebuild.

humor, tw100, hub wars, tosh, drabble, crack, owen

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