Ianto's First Strike Back

Nov 09, 2012 22:24

Title: Ianto's First Strike Back
Author: IantojJackh
Summary: Ianto pays back Owen for his first prank and shows he's not one to cross
Characters: Ianto, Owen and Tosh
Rating: R for evilness
Spoilers: None. Takes place pre-series
Warnings: Stuffy head/and possible fever induced shenanigans on my part
Notes: Written for tw100 challenge: Queues. Also an early installment to Hub Wars.

Ianto's First Strike Back

"Owen, do you know there's a long queue of people outside calling your name?" Tosh asked breathlessly as she entered the hub.

"What?" Owen was clueless. "I keep getting texts from people who want to yiff me. What's that mean?"

"They want to have sex with you." Ianto said, appearing out of nowhere.

"Why don't they bloody say that?"

"It's a term used in the Furry community. It might explain the flier I found this morning," the grinning Welshman pulled out a sheet of paper of Owen dressed in fox costume, offering various services. That'll teach him to mess with me.

insanity, ianto, tw100, hub wars, tosh, drabble, owen

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