HC Bingo Posting Template

Oct 10, 2012 21:57

I've decided to throw in the towel at hc_bingo and not do a blackout. Instead I'm going to do a vertical line with a postage stamp as an extra bonus. I only have one more piece to write to complete my new goal, but I wanted to get the template up now.

Here is a link to my card.

Now onto the fills.

The fills are here )

masterlist, hc_bingo, naughty ideas

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Comments 4

tardisjournal October 11 2012, 16:28:09 UTC
Welcome to the world of diminished expectations! LOL. But seriously, you worked really hard on all these and there's nothing to be ashamed of. Soon you'll have your banner and you should display it with pride! :)

Me, I've got a grand total of ONE fic done so far, and am bouncing back and forth between writing two more. So you're way ahead of me. :-p


iantojjackh October 11 2012, 16:53:57 UTC
Thanks. Or I'm just being realistic. I can't believe that I've done this much in a few months and there is all my longliveianto bingo card which I'm still aiming for the full card on. I did request a second HC card to see if some of the stuff I have partially written fits better prompts. Also I signed up for classic TW Big Bang, but I'm also using that one fic I showed you the preview for but not I'm changing the timeline around

You can do it. You can do it. *cheers* One Fic is a victory. I find it easier to have prompts to guide me better. *cheers some more*


tardisjournal October 11 2012, 17:45:10 UTC
True, it's not like you'll have nothing to do when you finish with hc_bingo. :-p

I was thinking of requesting a second HC card too, in hopes of some prompts more my style, but you have to finish a bingo first, and that's a ways away. I appreciate the cheering section! LOL.


iantojjackh October 11 2012, 18:22:13 UTC
Yup. And I'd rather concentrate on my 'Immortal Ianto' verse more. There is not much sadness and angst to be had there anymore.

There is always the art or icon fills as well as recs and nonstory stuff to get that first bingo so you can get a new card.


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