Boeshane Harvest

Sep 22, 2012 16:38

Title:  Boeshane Harvest
Author: iantojjackh
Summary: Life is not easy on the peninsula
Characters: ??
Rating: PG-13
Notes: Another installment for tw100challenge 252: Harvest. Thanks goes out to timelordshines for the idea and as well as a quick beta.

Boeshane Harvest

The screeching that pierces through the air silences the laughter of the children that call the Boeshane Peninsula home. Everyone scatters to escape the long talons that picks their prey up like plucking a hair from its root.

It's harvest time for the creatures that have a name too horrific to speak aloud. How many will they take this time? They pick indiscriminately. Old, young. Male, female. In the end they are just playthings. Some break easily and others put up a fight. They blame those who do not get picked.

One voice mutters through the pain. "He let go!"

tw100, drabble

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