Title: A New Life
iantojjackh Pairing/Characters: Ianto/Jack and Rhiannon and Mica make a small appearance
Spoilers: Everything Changes
Warnings: m-preg, m/m relationship (is this necessary with Torchwood)
Rating: PG
Summary: Sequel to
Fighting For Life Ianto reacts to the news of Jack's pregnancy.
A New Life )
Comments 24
Nice job, thanks so much for sharing :-)
I haven't thought about making it a series, but I suppose if ideas hit me I can add pieces. It will be Interestong to see how Jack acts as his pregnancy progresses. If I do come up with some ideas would you mind if I bounce some ideas off you when they come? I like to ask before bothering people through PMs.
As if one little nurse is going to make the boys behave, wherever they are. I think you're right. It may be a bit much for Rhiannon to handle all at once. As long as she's getting a new niece, they may not want to tell her exactly how that's happening.
But leave it to Rhi and Mica to spoil the mood. Yeah, jack will just have to kind of keep hidden when he starts to show. Heh heh
Jack would totally fixate on the Hamster Dance and Crazy Frog (and Ianto would ban both from being his ringtone^^)
And I wonder just *how* is Jack going to hide his pregnancy once he starts getting big? >:D
Love the boys and their banter and the fact that this started with my prompt and Rhi's reaction to Jack all suspicious and wary but glad Ianto's happy, too. I get the feeling Mica would be more ready to accept Jack's mPreg situation than Rhiannon.
I *love* mPreg, will you keep the story going, or was this a two-shot?
Friending you, btw
I can see Jack switching Ianto's ringtone to one of those and then Ianto punishing him with no intimate contact for a week. Jack will learn real quick.
Dunno how jack will hide it or if he'll try.
Their banter is fun. speaking of prompts, I'm still working on the other. It's going to be past comment length though heh Mica and Jack could be a fun little thing to write.
Yah and I accepted, them:)
I think this will prolly become a series. Have little random ideas for little bits
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