Title: Humble Pie
iantojjackh &
timelordshinesCharacters: Ianto & Rhiannon
Rating: its Torchwood so slightly higher than PG
Summary: Humble Pie is a bitter pie to swallow.
Disclaimer: Not ours. Only borrowing
Notes: written for tw100 challenge : Pie
Humble Pie
Rhiannon pulled her brother aside. "Is Jack ok? I know I've only met him a couple of times but he's not normally this quiet."
Ianto glanced around the open doorway to where Jack was sitting the living room patiently listening to Johnny telling a story.
"He's fine, he's just on his best behaviour."
"what did he do?" Rhiannon gave her brother a knowing look.
"I was going to bring a pumpkin pie, but someone ate it as a midnight snack. Jack knows he puts one toe out of line there will be no sex for a month!"
"Too much information!"