Title: The Shrine
Author: Iantojjackh
Characters: Ianto, Jack and Owen
Rating: PG
Summary: A parasite infects Ianto and regresses him back to childhood, erasing everything that makes Ianto, Ianto
Spoilers: none for Torchwood
Warnings: none
Notes: Was to be the 25th fill for tw100 challenge: Open, using the prompt Plot Reverse. I put the characters in the Stargate Atlantis world, specifically the episode titled The Shrine (a tearjerker episode) Bonus e-cookies if you can identify which SGA character everyone is supposed to be. Also if you are looming for a SGA story to read, you can check out my old fic
Altered State of Quarantine that includes a rewrite of The Shrine.
The Shrine
Colonel Jack Harkness sat at his best friend's bedside watching as the parasite regressed astrophysicist Ianto Jones to childhood. The disease was called Second Childhood after all.
Jack promised he'd do anything to save his friend's life, but he wasn't a medical doctor and could only offer support. Jack began to loose hope and did everything to keep Ianto's spirits up.
It crushed Jack to watch the videos Ianto recorded with Owenia Harper to document the disease's progression. His heart became dust when Ianto professed his love to Owenia.
Jack would forever be the best friend and never the lover.