Band of Strays

Apr 23, 2014 07:30

Title: Band of Strays
Author: iantojjackh
Rating: PG
Characters: Teamfic
Summary: they are the lost. They are the forgotten. They are Torchwood.
Spoilers: n/a
Disclaimer: See profile
Notes: Tenth fill for this prompt. Written for tw100 challenge: Open, using the prompt strays

Band of Strays

To an outsider Torchwood was like a group of strays.

Gwen: the only one who wasn't a stray, but everyone assumed she was one with the company she kept.

Jack: the immortal ex-time agent out of his time. Doomed to live alone until the end of time, loving and losing love.

Tosh: forced to steal to save her mother.

Owen: the kindly doctor hidden deep within a gruff exterior. Whose pain began at the hand of a cruel single mother.

Then there was Ianto who felt like a stray his whole life. The one who never fit in.

ianto, angst, tw100, jack, gwen, tosh, drabble

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