Title: Game On (Part Two of Kinky Games Series)
iantojjackhRating: High R
Characters: Jack and Ianto
Summary: Ianto gets Jack back for leaving him tied up. Jack should know better than to anger is better half.
Warnings: Kinky games the boys play
Disclaimer: See profile
Notes: This is little nugget is a little b-day gift for
timelordshines. Hope you enjoyed your day. Here's to another year of adventures. Follows
Naughty Boy and
Whipped Into Shape.
Game On
Jack returned to his office an hour after he left Ianto tied up and the man was nowhere to be found. The hub was completely empty with the exception on its non-human guests. He checked the CCTV footage and Ianto was seen leaving his office and then nothing after that and Ianto had not come through the tourist office where he had been waiting. That left the car park or Ianto was still in the hub, hiding, waiting and plotting.
Then the Captain became scared, not because his boyfriend was missing, but because of what revenge the younger man was no doubt planning. Jack had come to appreciate (most times) his partner's devious mind. The payback was going to be severe and Jack was torn between excitement and trepidation.
After an hour Jack gave up the search and headed home, expecting to see Ianto waiting for him, but their flat was empty. He tried Ianto's mobile several times, but every call went right to voicemail. The likelihood of sweet revenge growing as every second ticked by.
Jack stayed awake as long as he could, scared the minute he fell asleep he would get what was coming to him. But eventually he succumbed to sleep's alluring song.
Dreams were kind to the immortal Captain. They included Ianto doing a strip tease with a feather boa and then Jack being spanked raw with a wooden spoon. There were many other delightfully naughty snippets. However, the final dream was not so nice; Ianto used ice cold hands to jerk him off and no matter how hard Jack got, he could not climax. His erection was so hard that a brick could be broken over it and the pain was almost unbearable.
Jack's eyes flew open and saw familiar blue eyes staring down at him and the pain in his groin was very real. So were the vibrations that surrounded his pained cock. That lead Jack to believe their latest toy; a locking vibrating chastity device came in and Ianto was testing it on him. If he remembered correctly there was a remote too. Jack could not even begin to ponder how Ianto got it on him without waking him.
The smug bastard was going to win this round.
"You've got a meeting with the rest of the team in two hours. Don't be late." Ianto grinned like he had won the lottery. "I'll see you later," he quickly kissed his lover before standing up and making a show putting the key and remote to the device trapping Jack's penis in his pocket. "Don't be late."
Jack was too stunned to move until the flat door clicked closed and he let out a frustrated scream. It was going to be a long...and if Ianto had his way a very very hard day.
To be continued...