Title: Every Swan Needs a Hug
iantojjackhRating: G
Characters: Ianto, Jack and Owen
Summary: More adventures of Ianto while he's on painkillers after his swan attack. He still obsessing over swans. Follows
Purple Swan,
Tales From the Hospital Bed and
Swan RocketDisclaimer: See profile
Warnings: Pure crack. Exercise caution while eating and drinking
Notes: Written for
tw100 challenge 303: Twelve days.
Every Swan Needs a Hug
"Swans no swim. They shoot teeth that put a hole in my tummy but they want to be hugged. Can you get one and hug it?" Ianto looked at Jack with pleading eyes, but suddenly his face turned scary as he looked at Owen who was fighting not to laugh. "Sheep don't laugh. You're swan food. You have to cut yourself up first."
Owen slowly backed out of the room. At first Ianto's ramblings were funny, but things lately had been bordering on scary. He would be glad when the stitches came out and Ianto could be off the painkillers.