Though Lovers Be Lost

Jul 18, 2012 15:09

Title: Though Lovers Be Lost
Author: iantojjackh
Rating: PG
Characters: Ianto/Jack
Notes: Written for  tw100 challenge 244- Reverse Fandom: Beauty and the Beast (season 3, episode 1&2). 
Summary:  Don't let the title fool you. This is not nearly as sad as it sounds.

Though Lovers Be Lost

"How could we be lost?" Ianto shivered as he glared at Jack. Not only was the couple lost, but their clothes went missing too.

Jack tapped his malfunctioning vortex manipulator. "We should have come across the camp by now. We aren't lost. I just temporarily don't know where we are."

Ianto rolled his eyes. 'How's that not lost?'

"Come here." Jack pulled a freezing Ianto toward him. "Better?"

Ianto nodded, leaning into his lover for warmth.

A rustle from the bushes startled them. "One of your spooky-dos?" Andy asked with an amused smirk.

The couple exchanged a knowing smirk. "Shenanigans."

humor, fanfic, ianto, tw100, jack, drabble, torchwood

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