Fic: Forbidden chapter 2/?

Mar 21, 2011 20:19

Title: Forbidden
Characters: Jack, Ianto, John Smith (DW10), Owen, Rhys, Lisa, Tosh
Pairings: Jack/Ianto
Rating: pg-13
Disclaimer: I do not own Torchwood or any of the characters; if I did Ianto would still be alive.
Warnings: m/m pairing
Summary: Ianto is a 17 year old boy who is just starting Torchwood College. He thinks it will all be simple until he meets his art teacher, Captain Jack Harkness

Chapter 2/?    

It was quarter past nine when Ianto arrived at college on Tuesday morning. He was late because he missed his bus and had to walk. Things got even worse as it started raining when he was half way there and he had to run the rest of the way. Ianto stumbled through the class room doors and cursed under his breath as he looked up to see everyone staring at him. His hair was water-logged and his clothes soaked from the sudden downpour.

“I do believe you are a quarter of an hour late, Mr Jones” Jack stated calmly as he looked up from his desk. “And soaking wet I see, I blame the terribly unpredictable Welsh weather” He aid giving him a small smile. The Captain couldn’t help but feel like he couldn’t actually bring himself to be hard on the young Welshman on his second day. The rest of the students had gone back to their work when Jack had started talking.

“Sorry Jack, I missed my bus” Ianto replied, still unable to bring himself to call Jack Captain. He was stood in front of Jack’s desk now and couldn’t help but notice how blue the Captains eyes were.

“No problem Ianto” he smiled as he got up to walk round to Ianto, standing in front of him. “You’re soaked” he observed.

“Yes, sir” Ianto smirked; he knew Jack liked to be called sir. He suddenly remembered what he was doing and promptly made himself stop worrying about what would make Jack happy. Jack felt the tingle from the day before when Ianto called him sir, it sounded so good, Ianto’s strong Welsh accent making his skin prickle.

“Let me take your jacket Ianto, I can put it on the radiator for you while you start your work.” Jack didn’t wait for an answer, he just walked round to stand behind Ianto and pulled gently on the collar of Ianto’s jacket which slid off easily, but not before Jack purposefully brushed his fingers down Ianto’s back a little, making him shiver.

Jack took the jacket to the radiator while Ianto got to work with his art.

Ianto had been sat next to a man named Rhys Williams. Throughout the hour Ianto found out that Rhys was in fact two years older than everyone else, he started the art course later than everyone else after not going to college for the two years he was supposed to due to his mother dying. Rhys hadn’t wanted to talk about his mum very much and Ianto accepted this, he had been through a similar thing with his father and knew it was very hard to deal with.

By the end of the hour Ianto and Rhys were laughing loudly just as Jack stood up and said to the class “Ok, if you could kindly pack away all the equipment you have used and then you are free to go.” Ianto couldn’t help but admire the way everyone seemed to obey Jack, Ianto saw in that moment that Jack had a very powerful side to him and decided he quite liked it. When Jack caught his eye, Ianto looked away blushing a little. Jack just smiled and went back to work.

“What was that about?” Rhys questioned as he and Ianto walked out of the room, clearly not having missed Ianto’s blush.

“What?” Ianto asked trying to deny that anything had happened.

“You know what Ianto, that! Why did you blush when the Captain looked at you?” Rhys asked confused.

“I-I don’t know really.” Ianto stammered. “Rhys, if I tell you something will you promise me you won’t tell anyone?” He was desperate to tell someone about his attraction to Jack but didn’t want everyone to know, things could go really wrong.

“Sure mate” Rhys replied. “What is it?”

“I’mattractedtoJackandIthinkehe’sattractedtometo!” Ianto mumbled quickly.

“You…wait, can you say that again but maybe a bit slower?” Rhys said looking even more confused.

“I’m attracted to Jack and I think he’s attracted to me too.” Ianto repeated quietly.

Ianto could practically see the cogs turning in Rhys’ head as Ianto’s words sank in. After a  few moments he looked at Ianto and mumbled “Shit mate” Ianto had never felt so nervous in his life.


fic, torchwood, jack/ianto, forbidden

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