April Monthly Recap!!!!!

May 02, 2013 11:18

Did you miss this Re-Cap? Because I did! Bam! Here it is for your viewing pleasure: a recap of all your favorite Ianthony is Love moments from the past month. :P

Please tell me if I missed anything, or mislabeled anything, or there are broken/missing links. I don’t want my recaps getting all messy. :P

April 2013 Recap:



Author: smoshluva
Title: Candy Land


Author: ximennapilgrim
Title: Evil Twin


Author: esprz
Title: Companion

Author: cantletthisgo
Title: Giving In
Other Info: Fic contains omorashi

Author: dark_vinja
Title: Not Boring

Author: rikurtrawks
Title: Favors


Author: 1602furby
Title: Streetwalker Ch. 14,
Genre: Angst, Smut

Author: ximennapilgrim
Title: Teaching to Love Ch. 9,
Genre: Angst, Smut

Author: usrnamesarecool
Title: Fast and Slow Ch. 8,
Genre: Smut
Other Info: Crossover with Phil and Dan

Author: smawshrawks69
Title: Lonely Souls Ch. 1,
Genre: Angst

Author: ximennapilgrim
Title: In Dorms Ch. 1,
Genre: Angst

Author: renee_smosh
Title: Fix You Ch. 4, Ch. 5,
Genre: Angst, Future Smut


Artist: soramayu
Fanart: A couple of hand drawn Ian and Anthony pics full of hotness!!

Member: extremesmosh
Pictures: Various Pics of our favorite guys
Other Info: Anthony is erotically eating pizza in one. ;)

Member: smawshrawks69
Fanvid: Several Fanvids with various moods and themes.

Artist: dark_vinja
Fanart/Gifs: Sketches and Smosh Gifs for ALL!

Monthly Challenge:

Remember, you will no longer receive free Smoshy prizes from participating in the Monthly Challenges…but you can still participate for bragging rights and for a fun/easy writing challenge! ;)

This month’s challenge is a SONG FIC!!!! So bop on over there to get the dets.

Have an excellent May my fellow Smosh fans! [=

author: mutual_death, announcement, talk, challenge, prompt post, mod post, link, monthly recap

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