Title: Second Chances: Chapter IV
Pairings: Ian/Anthony, Ian/Melanie
Rating/Warnings: PG
Summary: Anthony has one more chance to alter his relationship with Ian.
Author's Notes: This one took too long to finish, two weeks to be exact. I suppose my trip to Vancouver, Christmas, and my week-long gaming spree interfered with my writing. Even with all of that, I finished it before school started up again, which was my goal. Hopefully I won’t take as long to write the final chapter. Also, livejournal is being annoying and messing up my formatting when I copy and paste from Word. >:(
Previous Chapters:
Chapter I -
http://michaelangelo24.livejournal.com/5011.html Chapter II -
http://michaelangelo24.livejournal.com/5268.html Chapter III -
http://michaelangelo24.livejournal.com/5452.html http://michaelangelo24.livejournal.com/6233.html