Nov 05, 2011 02:08
So I started a nano. No guarantees I will finish it, but I started one.
And goddamn is it odd writing het again after writing nothing but slash for the past few years. I started as a het writer. Then again, I started in a fandom with little to no potential for slash. Remington Steele, well, there's the canon UST there between Steele and Laura. I suppose there is slash potential between Steele and Murphy (part of me really wants to write a fic where Murphy leaves because he can't handle the will-they-wont-they of Steele and Laura but not because he like Laura but because he's attracted to Steele and it goes against his very being to be attracted to a thief/conman) or Steele and Tony, but I like to pretend Tony and the entire "5th season" doesn't exist.
I kept it up through Harry Potter (HG/SS for the win, mofos. Snape deserves someone his intellectual equal. There's a reason I fell out of fandom after he got killed off in DH) And someone who's willing to deal with a deeply flawed individual. I mean, she wound up with Ron in canon, deeply flawed people are her specialty. And Crossing Jordan, where I was a diehard Garret/Jordan shipper. I like my may/december romances, all right? (I may have some daddy issues. I like older guys. They're sexier.)
But then I fell into House. And Jeeves and Wooster. And well, started writing slash primarily. I'd dabbled in it before, but it had never been a serious thing for me until about senior year of high school.And then I just...couldn't stop writing it.
But my nano is as mainstream as mainstream novels get. It's very John Grisham/Stuart Woods-y, and it may be the first thing I submit to a publisher ever when it's finally done. And the two leads are well, a het UST couple up until 3/4 of the way through when they consumate their relationship after main supporting character gets killed, and emotions are running high. And then go right back to a UST-laden relationship as they try to deny the fact that they fucked.
Ad it is weird to write a het love scene again. Luckily the MMC is a bit of a prude, and very, very vanilla.
In other news: it really needs to be december already so I can have healthcare and finally get some fucking meds for my bipolar because it's to the point where it's starting to seriously, negatively, impact my life. I've managed to handle it all right until now unmedicated, but now, its kinda gone off the rails and is causing me issues. But I'm not eligible for benefits until 12/6. :(
And on a lighter note, I discovered Rizzoli and Isles. Damn son, they couldn't make that show more subtexty if they tried. Like, Rizzles is pretty much a canon ship. Even the author of the original books doesn't hate on it, but rather, finds it amusing.
a decade of fandom,
original fic