So I've been MIA for a few weeks...

Mar 06, 2012 19:15

Since I finished posting Staight Lines in fact.  The promised sequel due for Valentines TIbbs disappeared too.  I'm sure some of you remember that towards the end of Straight Lines things got a bit erratic, due to RL being complicated?

I'm pregnant again!

The good news - no fic related morning sickness this time.  The bad?  Plenty of normal morning sickness, tummy bugs, colds and flu, so I've been too tired/ill to do anything.

We just had the first scan today though, and all is good, and I'm starting to feel better, so I might be able to get back to the writing soon.  The plan?  I'd like to progress Habits, and do the sequel(s?) to Oak.  And I've been looking at some of my old WIPs, with some cheerleading help from djmicheals_fics, so we'll see.

Anyway - that's me, for now.  Nice to have some good news to share!

update - fic, baby baby, me!
