I should be writing. But I'm not. I'm procrastinating. So have a general update on the state of the muses - and maybe some personal stuff, but I'll put that last so you can skip it.
Fic-wise, don't worry about Straight Lines - it is finished. Chapter 7 is a biggie (in my eyes, anyway), and I was really hoping to get a second opinion on it before posting, but unfortunately my beta hasn't been able to do so *shakes fist at RL*. So I think I'll just have to do twice the polishing as usual and keep my fingers crossed..
I'm going to get to that just as soon as I've finished my currently untitled and rather overdue piece for the Xanthe-thon. Which isn't far off, I hope. If work would just stop expecting my to - well, work - I'd be sorted. As it is, I can only get a maximum of about 90 minutes on any given day, so everything is slow going.
After that? Not sure. I ought to try and fight things out with Habits, but I think I might need more than me on that one, as I'm still struggling with elements of the plot. I do want to finish it though. I'm still kicking around ideas for the Ogre sequel, but it's still a bit off, especially as I don't enjoy the reasearch-y stuff I have to do first.
Then there's Merlin, and Promises. I keep slipping back to that story, but only in snippets. I do like it though. It has epic promise, if I can get going. I think maybe I need cheerleaders for this one too!
My muses though are also whispering Hawaii 5-0 in my ear. repeatedly. I have a bunny and a half, and as the full bunny hasn't let go in three months, I don't think it's going to. The half needs help though. I know what theme I want, but I don't have a plot. Haven't finished watching the season yet though (and that goes for NCIS too!), so who knows.
What do I want to write? Something long and emotional. Angsty. I'd love to have a good old tug at the heartstrings, but... but. All I have are half formed ideas and snippets. And one bunny that won't leave me alone, but not only has no plot, but is also someone else's. And they'll write it better than me, if they choose to. So much as I love it right now, its a non-starter.
Thing is, I'm not liking myself much right now. Strange how you can in some ways, and not in others. Work is going very well, but whether the powers that be appreciate that is yet to be seen. My daughter is wonderful, even when she's dropping mashed potato on the cat (who doesn't mind, because there's tuna and cheese in it, and what more could a cat want?). As is the husband of course.
But me? Here? Out in the world of things I like, on my own? No. Not liking me. Not liking my inability to communicate. What I should be writing is some outsider fic. On the outside looking in. Which actually sounds like Habits, so lord knows why I'm not all over that - except for the fact I have a phobia about it.
I think I need a character who is insecure, and lonely, and doesn't know how to fit in. Who talks to a lot of people but feels like none are friends. Who watches, and doesn't dare to try and join in. Afraid of rejection.
So there we go. Think I'd try and battle the unnamed fic for half an hour before bed. Iin the meantime, if anyone's stuck with me this long - feel free to try and feed the muses!