(no subject)

Jun 10, 2006 14:57

K so I've got another hour and a half till I leave for work. I've been on this comp since 2:02 dling music. I watched a cool movie last night called Stateside, a pretty cute movie; But hey i'll watch almost anything with Rachael Lee Cook in it, she's a hotty.

My legs are super tired right now. I went to the Spitvalves final show(They will be missed). I was in the mosh pit a good deal of the concert, by the end of show(11 o clock) I was shirtless with most my friends and all of us covered in our own and others sweat. My shirt was soaked. Everybody met up at Dennys and ate, then a select few decided to go party at a pool. It was a fun little shin dig. I didn't get to really sleep till 2pm the next day. I had to pretend to stay the night at a friend house because we called the party quits at 6 in the am. My grandpa wakes up at 5 a.m. so i'd come home to him knowing i was out ubber late. Instead I went to dennys, had some breakfast, parked my car outside the nature trail and napped for an hour, then napped near the house till it was 8:20, then pulled into the driveway with the illusion/lie that I stayed the night at Paul's house and i was back early to take my car to my uncles shop(need my car fixed a lil, ball joint busted from drifting).

After getting my car picked from the shop and chilling with alex for a bit. I proceeded to prepare for swing dancing. I showered and spiced up a bit. At swing dancing I didn't feel like dancing for a bit because my legs were drained from skanking at the concert and going on but 3 hours of sleep. But I got out there and shook it,lol. I picked some new moves and tried some new things. I surprised a few people with some of the new moves. The new moves really make me wish I had money for some shoes, because I really want to be able to slide around. But I've gotten much better at spinning girl and myself. My moves were a bit flashier last night, I liked alot of the new stuff and was ever so excited when i landed new moves. I picked the new stuff up by just sitting and watching some other guys dance.
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