When Kameron Hurley’s
God’s War was published earlier this year, I took note of it, as I generally do of sf novels which feature Arabs or Arab-inspired backgrounds. I checked out the book’s website, and even read the first chapter, which was posted online. But I didn’t see anything there that made me want to buy and read the book immediately. At some point, yes, I’d probably pick up a copy, but nothing I saw encouraged me to do so there and then.
A few weeks later, Niall Harrison tweeted that
God’s War was one of the best books published this year he’d read so far. He described it as “Gwyneth Jones meets Richard Morgan” - or words to that effect. And so, after a bit more conversation on Twitter, a group of people all bought copies at his urging. I was one of them.
I have now read
God’s War.
(Rest of post on
It Doesn't Have To Be Right...)