Nov 07, 2006 01:29
The amount of clothes that I have is astonishing, but I guess being the son of the owner of a vintage clothing store can do that. I have in excess of 30 t shirts, and just as many (if not more) button down shirts, mostly plaid westerns/flannels. At least a dozen pair of sneakers are scattered between three locations, as well as four to six pairs of bike shoes, three pairs of sandals, a pair of combat boots, two Hawai'ian shirts (the remains of a once great collection), and at least a dozen light jackets. A few heavy coats are also in the mix, most notably two very stylish military peacoats: a navy blue Navy peacoat from World War II, and an olive green boiled wool peacoat from who knows when. [Un]fortunately, the ratio of upper body clothing to lower body clothing (excluding footwear and undergarments) is astonishing. All in all, I have four pairs of shorts, two pairs of jeans, and a pair of black Carhartt pants. Needless to say, this has created quite a storage dilemma.
I wonder if she thinks about me at all. I know she's busy with her life (as I am with mine), but the courtesy of a short phone call, a reply to an email, or even a text message would certainly put my mind at ease, even if it was to tell me that she has no interest in seeing me again (although she has indicated otherwise on more than one occasion recently). I don't know if it's the right thing to do, but I've considered proposing an ultimatum of sorts, basically to find out if she doesn't want to see me again. If I found out that she had no interest in that, then I could at least move on from this short, short chapter in my dull, dull love life.