On... whoa. November 2012? Yikes.

Mar 07, 2014 10:57

I just realized how long I've let my LJ languish. Most of my social media usage moved to G+, and now a bit is on FB because it's cross posted from my daily drawing blog.

Speaking of! That's what I've been doing instead of posting here: drawing something every day and posting it at http://smidgeonink.tumblr.com/tagged/daily-drawing. There's a few other things not under the daily drawing tag, but mainly, that's what's been forcing me to wake up and get out of bed these days. (I mean, besides getting the kinder off to school.) I'm including a sample of what I'm on about here:

It remains to be seen if I'll get back into the habit of posting here. I really fell off after the wretchedness of Fall 2012, and couldn't bring myself to write anything. Well, anything that wasn't self-indulgent depressive twaddle, anyway.

-ir out.
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